Hi everyone
I'm setting up a 5 gallon cube soon but I'm still not sure about what I want to put in the tank. Do any of you guys have some original options, original as in not shrimp, Betta .... basically the fish that are on a top 10 list on YouTube. Some people say sparkling gourami's are okay in a 5 gallon but I'm still having serious doubts (Although I really want to get them). If any of you guys have other cool options please let me know!!!
I'm setting up a 5 gallon cube soon but I'm still not sure about what I want to put in the tank. Do any of you guys have some original options, original as in not shrimp, Betta .... basically the fish that are on a top 10 list on YouTube. Some people say sparkling gourami's are okay in a 5 gallon but I'm still having serious doubts (Although I really want to get them). If any of you guys have other cool options please let me know!!!