4ft Gourami Tank (inc Some Fish Pics)

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I can't help myself. I know you said you wouldn't care, Sp00ky, but I have to say it for the benefit of anyone thinking about setting something up like this.

If you have a 55 gallon tank and want gouramis, get 4 or 5. A male and 3 or 4 females. Get a school of barbs and some bottom feeders and you'll be fully stocked. This tank is obviously newly set up and will be disgusting in a couple of months. Besides the water qualty issue, most of the fish are territorial and have nowhere to go to establish territory. Poor things. This kind of setup is not a good idea long term, although unfortunatly people like this guy will do it and tell others it's ok to do it, and then neglect to mention that in the end, the fish were unhealthy. :no:
"Picks up teddies and puts them back in pram"
Although i am not in agreement that the current stocking of this tank is far from perfect the guy who posted this topic also is aware of that as he states that he has specific tanks for all these fish to go in once his fish house is built so maybe you should read his post properly before launching an attack straight at him.
"Picks up teddies and puts them back in pram"
Although i am not in agreement that the current stocking of this tank is far from perfect the guy who posted this topic also is aware of that as he states that he has specific tanks for all these fish to go in once his fish house is built so maybe you should read his post properly before launching an attack straight at him.

As far as directly attacking people goes, you might want to reread your own post. I doubt you'd like someone telling you to read properly. Please observe that only the first sentance of my post was actually directed at Sp00ky, and the rest was towards anyone viewing the pictures as inspiration for setting up a gourami tank of their own.

I just went and read your previous threads to get a feel of where you're coming from Sp00ky, and I see it looks like you run things well enough with your fish. I just...feel like it would have been so much better if you had said something to the extent of don't try this at home, it's only temporary. So many people actually think a setup like this would be OK, and would see your pictures and proceed to kill a bunch of fish. I didn't post because I didn't notice you "really ain't interested" in the comments, its just that I did notice all the nice comments and questioning you for advice, and a lurker or newby (of which there are many), could be terribly mislead.
He's just put the cart before the horse.. Most people would have tanks ready, then buy fish... he bought tons of fish, and is waiting to set up tanks.. obviously it's not the greatest thing to do, but hopefully everything will be ready in time, and his fish will all be fine.

I'm shocked that the JD hasn't killed half that tank though.. I know my JDs would certainly have killed everything they could.
I can't help myself. I know you said you wouldn't care, Sp00ky, but I have to say it for the benefit of anyone thinking about setting something up like this.

If you have a 55 gallon tank and want gouramis, get 4 or 5. A male and 3 or 4 females. Get a school of barbs and some bottom feeders and you'll be fully stocked. This tank is obviously newly set up and will be disgusting in a couple of months. Besides the water qualty issue, most of the fish are territorial and have nowhere to go to establish territory. Poor things. This kind of setup is not a good idea long term, although unfortunatly people like this guy will do it and tell others it's ok to do it, and then neglect to mention that in the end, the fish were unhealthy. :no:

hey wooooo there !! This tank has actually been up and stocked since December. as i said before i dont care what anyone thinks of it and some of the things i have heard over the last few months compound the fact hat wotever we read in magazines or think we know isnt strictly gospel. For instance, i know of someone, not personally but via the net, who has a pair of discus that breed very regulary in a community tank. now i wopuldnt expect people to believe that, but when i saw the pics it changed my mind as well.

And please, do let me know where in this post that i advise others to go out and set a tank up the same as mine? ALL those fish in that tank are healthy and if you read any of my post you will know that i have had only 2 deaths in that tank in 6 months !! NOW try tell me theres something wrong with the mix in there !! Also, i feel that a fish is only terrotorial when not in the wild if you GIVE it something to be Territorial over.... say like a plant pot !!

Additionally my stats are

Ammonia 0
NitrIte 0
Nitrate 20ppm
PH 6.8

And thats how they are in that tank pretty much all the time. I do regular water changes on a weekly basis and always remove any uneaten food. So as "this guy" has said before... i dont care what anyone thinks, the tank and fish are more than healthy and i will be the first to hold my hand up and admit im wrong if the tank explodes !

He's just put the cart before the horse.. Most people would have tanks ready, then buy fish... he bought tons of fish, and is waiting to set up tanks.. obviously it's not the greatest thing to do, but hopefully everything will be ready in time, and his fish will all be fine.

I'm shocked that the JD hasn't killed half that tank though.. I know my JDs would certainly have killed everything they could.

I havent actually "bought tons of fish" i have saved them from being flushed down the loo !!!!!!!!!!!

Like i have said many times before, i dont care about what people think they know or have learned.... the things i have learned and seen in the past couple of months contidicted alot of what i have known in the past 17 years.

Maybe your JD's would kill everything in that tank, but seeing as my JD was actually brought up in a Giurami tank to begin with may show as to why the fish are tollerant of each other.

what he actually did was try to rehome everyones fish that needed it (see buy and sell section - spookys unwated fish rescue) before he was ready.

someone already had a go at him for it.....

mmmm i didnt try to rehome EVERYONES fish Sam. I offered a service to people in the yorkshire area whereas if they were looking to get shut of fish i would take them and either keep them or offer them to friends in my area who i knew could take care of them.

That person that had a go at me was having a go at me without knowing my full set up and my plans and how i run my tanks.
And please, do let me know where in this post that i advise others to go out and set a tank up the same as mine?
By posting the pictures and not warning that it is on the brink of disaster you are condoning it whether you mean to or not.

ALL those fish in that tank are healthy and if you read any of my post you will know that i have had only 2 deaths in that tank in 6 months !! NOW try tell me theres something wrong with the mix in there !! Also, i feel that a fish is only terrotorial when not in the wild if you GIVE it something to be Territorial over.... say like a plant pot !!
This is simply not true. Put two territorial fish in a bare tank and the stronger one will tear the weaker to bits. However, in a situation like yours which is much like the severe overstocking in a fish store, the fish are so bewildered by their inability to get away from each other that they do not fight simply because they see no way of winning. It is a technique often applied to a mbuna tank because of the severe aggression issues in such a setup. With gouramis, though, I think it stresses them, and they are sensitive to bacterial infection when stressed.
Personally, I think you all should stop arguing, what you want is the following!

The tank that Sp00k has got up now is only a temporary tank, and should not be done as a permanant tank as there will be problems eventually. Sp00k takes care of his fish very well from the posts i've seen. He has actually stated that the choice of fish isn't suitable together and has told people that they are just waiting for the fish house to be finished and they will be rehomed.

So, please no more arguing, this is suppose to be a friendly forum and if you would like to argue then do it via PM!

Neal :good:
Spooky you cant base your opinion on 1 persons experience.. 1 persons discus bred in a community tank.. out of how many people who keep discus in community tanks? You're not being logical..

I cant even believe you're trying to claim that there's nothing wrong with your mix of fix.. I guess you just think you're right and everyone else is wrong..

'' Also, i feel that a fish is only terrotorial when not in the wild if you GIVE it something to be Territorial over.... say like a plant pot !! ''

lol... so if I put 2 10'' male jaguar cichlids in a 33g tank they wont fight.. thanks for the advise!!!

You shouldn't even post pics and try to brag about how you keep fish in conditions that are obviously not good for them.

edit: had to add this

''He has actually stated that the choice of fish isn't suitable together and has told people that they are just waiting for the fish house to be finished and they will be rehomed.''


''ALL those fish in that tank are healthy and if you read any of my post you will know that i have had only 2 deaths in that tank in 6 months !! NOW try tell me theres something wrong with the mix in there !!''
Nice tank. If yo took those pics at night, or closed the curtains, and left the aquarium light on, you wouldnt get that glare/reflection form the glass. Leave the cameras flash off too.
Personally, I think you all should stop arguing, what you want is the following!

The tank that Sp00k has got up now is only a temporary tank, and should not be done as a permanant tank as there will be problems eventually. Sp00k takes care of his fish very well from the posts i've seen. He has actually stated that the choice of fish isn't suitable together and has told people that they are just waiting for the fish house to be finished and they will be rehomed.

So, please no more arguing, this is suppose to be a friendly forum and if you would like to argue then do it via PM!

Neal :good:

thank you neal.... wise words.

You see the problem with this forum is that there are far too many people on here who think they know best and are willing to tear a strip off anyone that is trying to do a little good in this god foresaken place. Thats why i dont post on here as much now as i have found a much nicer place to go to where people actually ASK questions first before ripping in to someone and they dont just go off on a blind bender the first time they see something they dont quite agree with !! you see, what most people seem to be overlooking in all this is the fact that had i not rescued many of these fish, they would probably be floating in the water refinery by now, which i guess some people feel would have been a better option judging by some of the comments made.

And please, do let me know where in this post that i advise others to go out and set a tank up the same as mine?
By posting the pictures and not warning that it is on the brink of disaster you are condoning it whether you mean to or not.

ALL those fish in that tank are healthy and if you read any of my post you will know that i have had only 2 deaths in that tank in 6 months !! NOW try tell me theres something wrong with the mix in there !! Also, i feel that a fish is only terrotorial when not in the wild if you GIVE it something to be Territorial over.... say like a plant pot !!
This is simply not true. Put two territorial fish in a bare tank and the stronger one will tear the weaker to bits. However, in a situation like yours which is much like the severe overstocking in a fish store, the fish are so bewildered by their inability to get away from each other that they do not fight simply because they see no way of winning. It is a technique often applied to a mbuna tank because of the severe aggression issues in such a setup. With gouramis, though, I think it stresses them, and they are sensitive to bacterial infection when stressed.

so if any of that is the case, and the gorumais have all been in there since the tank cycled.... tell me, why have i not lost one yet then? ( Gorumai that is, the other 2 i DID actually lose were penguin tetras). You tell me how you can tell an unhealthy fish and i will tell you if any of my fish in that tank are showing any of the signs you explain. They are living in very good water conditions and are all fed regualry. Jack only eats his chiclid pellets and the odd frozen food. The leaf fish eat the frozen cockle and muscle mix and the rest get there flake/bloodworm/tropical pellets.

And if you take my pictures as me advising people that such a setup as this is ok, then i suggest you dont read any books on drug taking or suicide or alcoholism or things of that nature..... just in case you take that "advice" as well!! as Neal pointed out, i did state that this mix of fish is not conventional, so instead of focusing on the stuff you WANT to see, why not read posts correctly in future.

Spooky you cant base your opinion on 1 persons experience.. 1 persons discus bred in a community tank.. out of how many people who keep discus in community tanks? You're not being logical..

I cant even believe you're trying to claim that there's nothing wrong with your mix of fix.. I guess you just think you're right and everyone else is wrong..

WTF !! i have not stated anywhere in this post that i am basing any of this on just 1 persons advice !! i did actually say that the things i have learnt and found out over the past few months have changed the way i think and feel on fishkeeping! And please, dont try and make me out as if i am some form of know it all. I will listen to anyones comments if they are put across in a civilized manner and not a holy than though way!

'' Also, i feel that a fish is only terrotorial when not in the wild if you GIVE it something to be Territorial over.... say like a plant pot !! ''

lol... so if I put 2 10'' male jaguar cichlids in a 33g tank they wont fight.. thanks for the advise!!!

I wouldnt know, i have never seen that gene of fish and as such i wouldnt even take one on as a rescue... as i state in my rescue post, if anone has anything out of the ordinary, then they are to let me know first as it may not be a fish i am familiar with.

You shouldn't even post pics and try to brag about how you keep fish in conditions that are obviously not good for them.

edit: had to add this

''He has actually stated that the choice of fish isn't suitable together and has told people that they are just waiting for the fish house to be finished and they will be rehomed.''


''ALL those fish in that tank are healthy and if you read any of my post you will know that i have had only 2 deaths in that tank in 6 months !! NOW try tell me theres something wrong with the mix in there !!''

sorry, when did i brag about keeping them in conditions that are not good for them. i said that the water conditions are perfect for them in that amonnia, nitritre and nitrate are all very very low.

and i dont understand your edited addition to your post. If your refering to the 2 deaths, they were down to me leaving the lid open and they actually jumped out, being peguin tetras and all, which was my fault and nothing to do with anything else.

Nice tank. If yo took those pics at night, or closed the curtains, and left the aquarium light on, you wouldnt get that glare/reflection form the glass. Leave the cameras flash off too.

yeah, in going to do some more at night time. beleive it or not the flash was actually off LOL ! they are the first pics i've taken of my tanks so i hope to improve on them next time. however, i'm unsure if i will actually bother posting them on here.
once you know the basics on fish keeping you can break the rules as in this case.....Very nice setup :good:

I think that Tammy just likes to her herself talk. Women! :D
Go ahead and attack me all you want for being merely a woman who likes to hear herself talk (thanks waterboy, I appreciate that one), but I won't be responding in kind. I was originally just wanting to help other people out, not start a big flame war. The purpose of a forum is to share information and opinions and I have as much of a right to share mine as you do. I was not angry although you obviously were, and this has gotten out of hand. I'm not going to post here anymore.
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