4ft Gourami Tank (inc Some Fish Pics)

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edit : nevermind.. you know everything!

dude, i dont know everything and have never claimed to know everything. if i did, i would be a very rich man LOL !!

This thread has got ay out of hand and i tried to explain in my opening paragraph of the post that this is not a conventional tank as some people who have replied have picked up on.

I just dont appreciate the way that some people put theirselves across on this forum and if i have sounded like i know it all then i am sorry, but that couldnt be further from the truth. I dont think there is anyone in this world that knows everything about fish keeping and to be fair, there are things that we find out in our tanks and time of being fishkeepers that dont conform with what we are "told" is the norm.
Go ahead and attack me all you want for being merely a woman who likes to hear herself talk (thanks waterboy, I appreciate that one), but I won't be responding in kind. I was originally just wanting to help other people out, not start a big flame war. The purpose of a forum is to share information and opinions and I have as much of a right to share mine as you do. I was not angry although you obviously were, and this has gotten out of hand. I'm not going to post here anymore.

I kind of agree with you actually and i do see why you posted originally as it could be a bit misleading for new people seeing this thread and thinking they could do the same with no experience.

I admit my tank is probably a little over stocked (isnt everyones?lol) but i do try to make sure that all my fish get on and can live happily together in their tank :)

Sp00ky - As long as you have somewhere to put the unsuitable fish asap i dont see too much problem with it, but it might be a good idea next time just to say that the setup isn't ideal and you wouldn't advise it to people who dont know what they're doing! Also, i wouldn't suggest 'rescuing' anymore fish until you have sorted this tank out and set up you new ones as, sooner or later, if you dont sort this tank out it will go horribly wrong!!
Go ahead and attack me all you want for being merely a woman who likes to hear herself talk (thanks waterboy, I appreciate that one), but I won't be responding in kind. I was originally just wanting to help other people out, not start a big flame war. The purpose of a forum is to share information and opinions and I have as much of a right to share mine as you do. I was not angry although you obviously were, and this has gotten out of hand. I'm not going to post here anymore.

I kind of agree with you actually and i do see why you posted originally as it could be a bit misleading for new people seeing this thread and thinking they could do the same with no experience.

I admit my tank is probably a little over stocked (isnt everyones?lol) but i do try to make sure that all my fish get on and can live happily together in their tank :)

Sp00ky - As long as you have somewhere to put the unsuitable fish asap i dont see too much problem with it, but it might be a good idea next time just to say that the setup isn't ideal and you wouldn't advise it to people who dont know what they're doing! Also, i wouldn't suggest 'rescuing' anymore fish until you have sorted this tank out and set up you new ones as, sooner or later, if you dont sort this tank out it will go horribly wrong!!

Yea the guy said that he did not want your opinons! Remember! He dones't care about your opinons. Stop freaking out on his tank.
:shout: :shout: B)
Im fairly sure i wasn't "freaking out"... -_-

But to be perfectly honest, if you dont want opinions of your fish and tanks dont put pictures of them on a fish forum :rolleyes: Especially if you are admitting that the fish shouldn't go together!!! Of course people are going to be concerned, they're live animals that he is potentially putting at risk.. People are worried about them...
Sp00ky - As long as you have somewhere to put the unsuitable fish asap i dont see too much problem with it, but it might be a good idea next time just to say that the setup isn't ideal and you wouldn't advise it to people who dont know what they're doing! Also, i wouldn't suggest 'rescuing' anymore fish until you have sorted this tank out and set up you new ones as, sooner or later, if you dont sort this tank out it will go horribly wrong!!

fair comments, but i do state in my opening para that this is not a conventional tank and to be honest, ANYONE looking to setup a tank for the first time should be asking questions and doing research. i wouldnt personally just setup a tank based on pictures i have seen on a forum, would you?

There is also a newbie section on this forum as a place for new people to the hobby to ask the questions, be they right or wrong questions. you dont know if you dont ask !
Well of course they should ask questions, but most people dont. They will see a tank they like, see the fish that are in it etc and try to copy it. I was just saying that maybe you should have put that it is NOT how you should set up a tank, would have been sensible :)
Im fairly sure i wasn't "freaking out"... -_-

But to be perfectly honest, if you dont want opinions of your fish and tanks dont put pictures of them on a fish forum :rolleyes: Especially if you are admitting that the fish shouldn't go together!!! Of course people are going to be concerned, they're live animals that he is potentially putting at risk.. People are worried about them...

what i actually said is

Its not what you would call a conventional setup and the fish in there SHOULDNT by law mix... but hey, we all know that theres no bible to fish keeping... only what we are told. So for all those that may read on and see something that they dont agree with, i really aint interested.

But still people spouted up cause they beleive there is some form of law to fish keeping. hell, i've been reading on PFK today of a guy that has bred over 126 different species of fish, and he's NEVER tested his water stats !! Shall we all right in to PFK or besiege the forum slating him for not doing something by the "LAW" of fish keeping?? It does state that he used to be a chemist mind, but hey, im sure a chemists eye sight cant detect Nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, pH etc in the water.

Well of course they should ask questions, but most people dont. They will see a tank they like, see the fish that are in it etc and try to copy it. I was just saying that maybe you should have put that it is NOT how you should set up a tank, would have been sensible :)

so which part of

Its not what you would call a conventional setup and the fish in there SHOULDNT by law mix

would you like me to reword??
Well, if you want my opinion, rather than saying you "aint interested" in what other people think about you tanks you maybe should have been a bit more polite and said that you know the fish SHOULDNT be in there together, that you were planning to rehouse them asap and that you would not recommend this set up to anyone :)

As for the guy who didn't test the water once.. Thats just stupid really. For the welfare of his fish he should, as with any other animal you have responsibility of you should ensure that its conditions are the best they can be. But i dont believe everything i read ;)
Mmkay, since this has degenerated into a big arguing and insulting match, topic closed. Hope you all had fun. ;)

And remember this: There are nice ways to make a point. (Which, by the way, is not aimed at anyone in particular. Just something to remember)

Sp00ky - Sorry your topic got turned into this. I do like your tank, but perhaps something in bold at the beginning like "This tank has worked for me, but it's a risky combination I would not recommend you try it unless...yadayadayada" or something of the like would have been best.
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