488l Mega Nano

Moonlight shot is definately better.

I have found that too. Are you turning all other sources of light off in the room the tank is in?? This can help.

I will one day work out how to get the perfect actinic shot.

A tripod may be needed and a very long shutter speed, combined with small aperture. Only problem with that though is if its a species where tentacles move. Would give an eerie blurring though.
Lol, that's why I picked the rics..they cant move. Looked like a would be david bailey here last night with tripod, light meter,etc.....often wonder if it's worth all the hassle but, like yourself, i'm determined to work out how to get that perfect blue light shot!!...someday!
Wow wow. Just went through every page of this thread (quiet in work :p ), and that is one of the most impressive looking tanks I've seen. Fantastic.

Also, I love Custard - Yellow Tangs are probably my favourite fish. I just love their face, sort of goofy looking. :D
Thanx Dave, cant beat a bit of fishy surfing on works time,lol....
Custard was added more for a purpose, as if honest, not my favourite fish in the game,lol...before being added it looked like there were too many yellow fish in there. The block of solid yellow has really toned this down, showing the others at their true peach, pinks and mild oranges.
Here's one just for you Dave, really looked like goofy in this,lol...


This pic was an accident as the lens caught the rounded corner of the tank and looked quite comical.
Well thanx to the pistol digging up most of my sand bed and releasing large amounts of dust fine detritus into the system for about a week now i have lost most of my sps frags to being choked out and a nitrate spike off the salifert scale and po4 readings of 3 ppm.
Patches of life remains on the acro and monti so giving them a chance to regenerate...after seeing a mature softy tank on another forum i have decided to go back on the softy route, hence the bush coral and fragging it, frag now in here and thriving much better than in nano...
I will keep my lps but now returning to adding a few high colour branching softies to add height and structure to the display and if honest, i actually prefer the movement of softies to the static look of an sps "stick" display....still determined to get a couple of platers but, sticking to montis or turbinarias for this. Not too worried about water parameters as i run a "dirty" system for my rics and lps already, never worrying about low level po4 and maintaining a constant nitrate level for them...in which they thrive and multiply at a steady rate....will be doing a large change later but to bring these extra high levels down , even if the corals seem to be enjoying it and opening even larger than usual.

I'm with you on the 'stick' thing Bud, I can't see the appeal either - seems we get sucked into the hype - first you go softies, then lps then the holy grail of sps :crazy: The only sps I really crave is the pink hysterix

Seffie x

Oh but they are so much more than sticks.

The Seratiopora caliendrum and guttatus glow under actinics, they constantly seem to have their polyps out and look stunning.

I am a fan of plating sps too, I love the shapes and the purple monti colour is stunning :wub:

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