488l Mega Nano

There is a lovely one on ebay... not too sure though brough to today may let them settle when delivered first.
try zoaphoria for rics mate...mine split on average every two months now in this tank but as yet to split in the nano......
Stu photographs his rics individually and has them all on site, also fishmans frags carries hundreds now as well.
Always good quality and some very rare colours from zoaphoria..mine all came off Stuart.
Pics as promised...


maze coral, not expanded yet



Yw goby
just watching a late night feeding frenzy here. Cleaner shrimp just released larvae and the tank has woken and going crazy,lol...ah well more free food.
Thanx peeps..just awake and down to find everyone still checking out every nook and cranny for any shrimp larvae they may have missed,lol..
Must check back chambers soon to see if any of these little guys ever managed to escape and grow in there.The shrimp produce regular batches of larvae, usually at night, with the peppermints being by far the largest larvae...
Here's a few pics of my scolly..a lovely lps for sand bed, living in lagoons in the wild this coral thrives in most tanks and comes in a variety of colours, red/blue morphs demanding very high prices....



open with feeding tentacles extended



under actinics


finally taking a prawn..this feeds him for a couple of weeks at a time

Definately one worth hunting out and works nicely in combination with elegance and plate corals for a sanb bed display, although can be attached to rocks as well.
will keep a look out for one of those :good: what colour morphsdo they come in - please say something other than pink!

Seffie x


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