45 Gallon Reef Diary From Setup To...?

Great update m8, sorry to hear about the SPS loss are you going to get more when the MH's in? When you trade in the Clowns are you getting the same of going for something else?

With regard to the auto feeder have you contacted the manufacture to try and clam on there insurance? Surly they are to blame and you could get allot back.
Nice progression Ski. A true acknowledgement to what you put into this tank and others who ask for advice! Its tops.

Im of the opinion though that you got sold a sick Elegance, :/ that isnt too healthy. Here is a project run by Eric Borneman about the trend of the Elegance coral to form shrunken tenticles with larger fleshy body/oral cavity.


Yours deffinately doesnt look how it should IMO. Heres mine lately:



And here is one from a while ago (change in colour attributed too change in tank/lighting):


Note the extended tenticles and better proportions between the tenticles/oral discs. They prefer low to medium to low flow, and actually are found in mud in the wild, so in the sand bed would be beneficial.

I did a quick search via google, it turned up quite a lot. Eric Borneman + Elegance Coral

Thanks for the compliments guys.

Matt, I will be getting a ton of frags at our local frag swap on sept 26th. Hopefully my hood will be done by then and the new MH in use :D The auto feeder really didnt do much other than stress everybody out so its really not worth bothering with the manufacturer. Picked up one of those Eheim electronic feeders which is hopefully much more reliable ;)

Mr. Miagi. Thanks for the articles. I'm kind of curious if I just have a different species. It was in my LFS from february till june when I bought it and looked as it did in my earlier pictures (whiter with greener edges). It had previously been in captivity apparently for about 3 years and its previous owner claimed it looked just like it did in the store and my early pics. I'm not sure what can really be done for it if it is in fact sick, so I'll just keep the clowns out and hopefully it'll get happy again 8)
And just a quick update, I FINALLY got an ID for my little wrasse. Its latin name is Paracheilinus Octotaenia and is commonly called a flasher wrasse. Its origins are from the Red Sea and apparently has been known for quite some time. You can find a pic of it in this reefkeeping.com article. Here's a perfect shot

Yeah, ive seen one of my LFS's hold on too a sick elegance for months now (just not selling). They even had it reduced last week. Its a shame that they get this way. One day with a bit of research we will know whats going on. Id just keep it well fed, and hope it continues to live! :)
If thats all I can do then thats all I'll do :/ . Wish me luck :nod:
Ladies and Gentlemen of this constituency, too long has this realm been ruled by the nuisance algal enemies. Since entering this new theatre of combat 6 months prior, battle has raged against the evil forces of algae. The armies and forces of good have employed many weapons to combat this tyrrany including referse osmosis treatment, protein skimming and an attempt at cultivating a relationship with the friendly Chaetomorpha. Yet despite these weapons of war and friendly treatises the minions of algae took hold. First, the dreaded Cyanobacteria were spotted early in the campaign, encroaching upon friendly territory:


Due to the failure of superior technology, the assistance of new personnel was required. A platoon of Ceriths were enlisted in the firght against the minions of cyano. These Ceriths proved worthy competition to their enemies and left a clean swath in their wake:


Within weeks, the platoon of Ceriths had decimated the enemy and sent it running back into its tiny caves. However the Cyanobacteria was just the first wave in the strategy of the Nuisance Algal Forces. The enemy positioned A second wave of Byropsis, codename hair algae behind its first wave. The platoon of Ceriths were no match for the dreaded hair algae. Within weeks, the enemy had taken over most of the territory in the theatre and turned it into a green mess. An entire division of Ceriths were sent from command to help take the fight to the enemy yet they were ineffective. The help of Lieutenant Caesar was then enlisted to take the fight to the enemy.


Lieutenant Caesar was up to the task and began his assault on the enemy. However within days of his campaign's start, Lieutenant Caesar became the victim of friendly fire as he found himself dischargded through a powerhead cannon. Since Lieutenant Caesar's unfortunate demise, command decided not to enlist further warriors and take matters into their own hands. Weekly assaults with new saltwater and a high powered silicone-tube siphon were employed in hopes of defeating the enemy in a war of attrition. This strategy proved foolhardy as the hair algae troops continued their advance on friendly territory.

With the addition of many friendlies from the refugee camps at the local frag swap on the horizon and the addition of a cover to the reef theatre nearly completed, drastic action needed to be taken, but what was command to do? While perusing through his list of potential soldiers, the supreme commander noticed a new class of soldier to enlist. Three-star General "Sea Hare" Xavier was enlisted and pressed into service immediately.


General Xavier's secret weapon is not yet known, however in the 24 hours since his enlistment he has allready begun to decimate the enemy. A current depction of the reef theatre may provide some insight into the daunting task confronting General Xavier:


As you can see, the good General's task is great yet he has proven himself to be up to the challenge. With any hope he can clear portions of the theatre designated for incoming friendlies by Saturday September 23rd 1900 hours. Further updates on the good General's progress will be forthcoming.

As a note, a new friendly fast-mover was added to the fleet along with General Xavier. Command is happy to introduce Commander "Springeri Pseudochromis" Roy to the reef theatre and hopes he enjoys his stay. Commander Roy is still in his infancy yet has allready proved to be an active civilian:


Further updates with General Xavier's progress, the finalization of the theatre hood construction, and the new friendlies in the theatre will be forthcoming. Over and out. :drink:
So the war continues. In a small, little known Northwestern territory, we are fighting a battle of our own. Our field is hopelessly dominated by Bryopsis, a force which many of us know all to well. So far, only two of our best commanders have been deployed, as the nitrate concentration in this field is too high for unsupplied infantry. However, Our largest and most prestigious commander, known by two names, Commander Salarias fasciatus, and, to those above him, Lawnmower Blenny. Our second commander, Amblygobius hectori, a.k.a. Hector, is unfortunately, beyond his specialty, but he is trying his best. Lawnmower will be receiving a promotion, to our General, and his troops will be arriving soon. But only if he can handle the frustration of dealing with the stubborn residents of Cladiella, a small town caught in the crossfire of this war. He is good, yes, but he needs to earn this right.

The tank is looking great Ski :good: What an interesting way of looking at the battle between your tank and pest algae :hey: I just had to tell my story, too.

Ah m8 feel sorry for you, all the waves your get lol. As u may remember i had cyano and well i was sucking it up but it just came back so i left it and then one week it died! lack of food most probs but havent seen any since, but now just got brown diatoms on the sand :( but this is easily solved with my new denitrate filter.

But tbh m8 ur hair algea is not as bad as one person i know, his was litterally coverd and i mean coverd! but hes a prat and cant keep marines :/
Thanks for the support but fear not, General Xavier is up to the task. He is unfortunately easily distracted by the glass enclosures to the theatre of combat... Command has allready had to bring him back down to the ground to continue his fight with the enemy twice. Further transgressions by the general may end up at a hearing by court marshal
An update on the theatre of operations:

Two weeks ago General Xavier was recruited to fight the evil algal forces. General Xavier took to his task with exceptional zeal and ability. He decimated the enemy on many fronts of battle. However a week after the general set to his task of eliminating the enemy at all costs, he did not report in from duty. Command merely thought at first that General Xavier was sleeping amongst rocky outcroppings in the field. However when a second day went buy without sign of the general command became concerned for the whereabouts of General Xavier. On the fourth day since the General was MIA skimmate cleansing forces picked up a large volume of red-purple waste in its collection cup. This waste clearly matches the defensive mechanisms used by General Xavier to fend off potential attackers. With the release of this defensive mechanism and the subsequent lack of contact with General Xavier, command fears the worst and is left with no choice but to declare the good General KIA. A state funeral was held in honor of General Xavier and command drowned its sorrows in their favorite brews.

Despite the loss of one of the best soldiers ever to grace the theatre, Command must continue on to provide protection for all friendlies. A few days later, a meeting of many other allied commands was held in an effort to exchange knowledge about enemy weaknesses and to distribute and trade friendlies amongst each other. To this end, 3 healthy friendlies were brought from allied commands to this theatre.

Pocillipora sp (red pocillipora):


"Super Hairy" Green Millepora


And Purple Green Eyed Zooanthid/Palythoas


All three friendlies were doing fantastic amongst the theatre. A fourth friendly was also purchased for the theatre. A pink pocillipora. However upon the introduction of this friendly, Admiral Cody (pictured below) was overcome with a ravenous rage and began a traitorous slaughter of the new friendly.


Command had heard that many of Admiral Cody's bloodline become stricken by an un-relenting bloodthirst towards certain friendlies yet decided to give the Admiral a chance. However Command's generoud opportunity was taken advantage of by Admiral Cody who was quickly declared traitor and un-fit for duty. With the help of "The Trap" command was able to corral the Admiral and lock him in "The Brig" amongst the bilge pumps. Admiral Cody was quickly re-assigned to an allied command where he will not be tempted with such targets again. However the damage to the new friendly (pink pocillipora) was extensive. It sustained large quarters of damage yet appears that it will pull-through


Behind the scenes of all the mourning of General Xavier's loss and the treachery of Admiral Cody, command has continued its slow and methodical work on a cover for the theatre of operations. Hopefully with distractions now at a minimum, said cover can be completed and un-veiled. Until then a current landscape will have to suffice constituents here:

ah thats a bummer. ohwell the joys of marine. loving the new corals u running PCs? if so looking great.
Thanks for the compliments, and yes, still dual PCs. MH to come when the hood is completed; 175watt icecap ballast burning a hamilton 14000k.

Due to the dishonorable discharge command is in search of a replacement for Admiral Cody. Individuals with a history of blatant hostility towards friendlies will not be given a second chance this time.
Nice update Ski, is the enemy in full retreat of are they massing at the borders again?

The new arrivals look well nice, love the super hairy! I want one!! Shame about the C. loriculus looked live a good one too! Was going to get one instead of the C. bispinosa but read about the nipping that can occur and I know I wanted to keep corals so made the choice.

Is that a Tracaphilia Gefryi I spy on the sand????

There banned for import in the UK at the mo is it the same in the states?

PS I know you like to take time to do things but get the lights done! Lazy so and so! ;)
Edit. You are correct on the idea of that open brain, they are not banned in the states. In fact my LFS is overstocked with them due to a shipping error ;) It too has gotten MUCH bigger with the departure of Admiral Cody. Clearly his treachery was going on before I clearly knew about it.

The super hairy green mille is just a tiny frag at the moment and still a little stressed from the move. Heres a pic of the mother colony


And unfortunately the enemy is once again massing at the boarders. Due to the failure of biological means of control, Command is changing its strategy as its budget allows. A skimmer upgrade and new lighting will hopefully help contain the enemy and replace it with coraline algae.

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