Ladies and Gentlemen of this constituency, too long has this realm been ruled by the nuisance algal enemies. Since entering this new theatre of combat 6 months prior, battle has raged against the evil forces of algae. The armies and forces of good have employed many weapons to combat this tyrrany including referse osmosis treatment, protein skimming and an attempt at cultivating a relationship with the friendly Chaetomorpha. Yet despite these weapons of war and friendly treatises the minions of algae took hold. First, the dreaded Cyanobacteria were spotted early in the campaign, encroaching upon friendly territory:
Due to the failure of superior technology, the assistance of new personnel was required. A platoon of Ceriths were enlisted in the firght against the minions of cyano. These Ceriths proved worthy competition to their enemies and left a clean swath in their wake:
Within weeks, the platoon of Ceriths had decimated the enemy and sent it running back into its tiny caves. However the Cyanobacteria was just the first wave in the strategy of the Nuisance Algal Forces. The enemy positioned A second wave of Byropsis, codename
hair algae behind its first wave. The platoon of Ceriths were no match for the dreaded hair algae. Within weeks, the enemy had taken over most of the territory in the theatre and turned it into a green mess. An entire division of Ceriths were sent from command to help take the fight to the enemy yet they were ineffective. The help of Lieutenant Caesar was then enlisted to take the fight to the enemy.
Lieutenant Caesar was up to the task and began his assault on the enemy. However within days of his campaign's start, Lieutenant Caesar became the victim of friendly fire as he found himself dischargded through a powerhead cannon. Since Lieutenant Caesar's unfortunate demise, command decided not to enlist further warriors and take matters into their own hands. Weekly assaults with new saltwater and a high powered silicone-tube siphon were employed in hopes of defeating the enemy in a war of attrition. This strategy proved foolhardy as the hair algae troops continued their advance on friendly territory.
With the addition of many friendlies from the refugee camps at the local frag swap on the horizon and the addition of a cover to the reef theatre nearly completed, drastic action needed to be taken, but what was command to do? While perusing through his list of potential soldiers, the supreme commander noticed a new class of soldier to enlist. Three-star General "
Sea Hare" Xavier was enlisted and pressed into service immediately.
General Xavier's secret weapon is not yet known, however in the 24 hours since his enlistment he has allready begun to decimate the enemy. A current depction of the reef theatre may provide some insight into the daunting task confronting General Xavier:
As you can see, the good General's task is great yet he has proven himself to be up to the challenge. With any hope he can clear portions of the theatre designated for incoming friendlies by Saturday September 23rd 1900 hours. Further updates on the good General's progress will be forthcoming.
As a note, a new friendly fast-mover was added to the fleet along with General Xavier. Command is happy to introduce Commander "
Springeri Pseudochromis" Roy to the reef theatre and hopes he enjoys his stay. Commander Roy is still in his infancy yet has allready proved to be an active civilian:
Further updates with General Xavier's progress, the finalization of the theatre hood construction, and the new friendlies in the theatre will be forthcoming. Over and out.