Well everyone it's been a couple weeks and I figured I'd take a bunch of shots for a bunch of new additions. Please excuse my glass (especially the back) since its a little dirty

. Anyway, on with the show.
I'll start off with a full tank shot before I get into individuals. You may notice the retreating cyano in certain spots here. My green open brain and yellow leather are doing fantastic thus far:
First up, I came across a sweet mushroom rock from a local reefer. Couple giant heads and a bunch of different species of smaller ones. Great find for $10:
Second, my zoos and palythoas are finally starting to open up after their little brush with cyano. Took em nearly 3 weeks to start coming back out, but they're with me still

. Starting to color up nicely and the palys are even eating when I spot feed them.
Next on our tour is a little algae eater I've had for a while, my Lettuce Nudibranch. Just for some size comparison he's only about 1.5cm in length:
Also, my first stab at an acropora was a freebie from the same good man who sold me the shrooms. Its got its polyps extended and is nice and colored so I must be doing something right

Here we have a shot of my new mexican red footed turbo snail. I'm hoping to get a shot of him on the glass so you can really see how red his foot is, but for now, he's pretty lazy. Mostly nocturnal from what I've seen:
Another very recent purchase is this hammer frag. Another local reefer sale here. Been doing very well thus far, although I'm going to move it now that its acclimated to the right corner of the tank (soon to be euphyllia alley

) to keep that sting away from everyone else:
And last but not least, my newest fish addition. I knew I wanted a wrasse of some sort and was possibly going to go with a 6-line but I really wanted something more unique and signiature like. Totally found him at one of my LFS'. They had him listed as a McCaskill Fairy Wrasse. He eats and behaves just like a 6-line, but WAY prettier. Please excuse the blurry shot, he's tough to get to stand still:
Anyway, hope you guys enjoy the pictures. And if anyone has any experience or knowledge about that wrasse, please let me know