45 Gallon Reef Diary From Setup To...?

Realy sorry to hear about your trobles ! hope all is back to normal soon for you. 7 feet !!!!!! my god thats alot of snow!
Thanks guys, things are slowly returning to normal. I'll be honest, I'm glad General Xavier was my only loss, things could have been MUCH worse. I was getting good polyp extension last night after 6 hours of light so I'm holding out hope for everything. Today on my way to work I got some feeling for the cleanup efforts here... Convoys of dump trucks full of broken tree branches and hundreds of power crews going off to work sites. Schools have been closed indefinitely for this whole week due to all the power outages.

Anyway, thanks again for the kind words, and make sure you guys are prepared yourselves :)

Btw matt, the 7 feet was over christmas 3 years ago... That was fun too :D
Yeah, something tells me if I outlined all the storms and snowfalls we've had here in Buffalo, you'd be astounded. That huge warm lake to our west is a blessing and a curse.
dont get me wrong we have weather that changes at a flick of a switch but 7 :blink: feet!!!!!

Heh, yeah, 7 feet in just over 3 days. If the weather conditions (especially wind and temperature) are just right we get nailed... That big snowfall was neat cause the snow was taller than I was, and they had to bging in these dumptruck sized snowblowers to clean the highways off. They blew the snow into other dumptrucks and open-topped gravel trucks then brought it to barges and pushed it into the niagara river. Neat to watch.

This morning I saw convoys of those same open-topped gravel and stone trucks carting away tree limbs everywhere. You pretty much see one everytime you drive somewhere and still it doesnt look like they've put a dent in the damage. After watching the news this afternoon I've heard that there are over 400 power repair crews from ours and neighboring states operating in our town alone. Even still, some specific neighborhoods are bieng told that they wont get power back till sunday (well over a week! :crazy:). The main problem now is lack of supplies for the crews here. Apparently they're installing cables poles and transformers faster than they can be shipped into the area.

Good news on my endd though is that every last colony has perked back up to near its former self. I've had a little bleaching on my SPS colonies and my yellow leather still only has 1/2 its polyps extended, but its coming back nicely and should make a full recovery. All fissh are present and accounted for and even the cleanup crew seems OK. So its official, just one loss (albeit a big one) of General Xavier and I'm happy.
Heh, yeah thats the way it is in most places. Here people were driving no less than 24 hours after the 7 feet of snow fell. We're used to it when the trees have no leaves 8)
To bad about the General but those 3 days no lights no food might have helped aganst the algia.

Just trying to look on the bright side :good:
To bad about the General but those 3 days no lights no food might have helped aganst the algia.

Just trying to look on the bright side :good:

Command thought that would be the case as well but was sorely mistaken. Being without light, food, and miminal heat did not even dent the enemy's foothold in the theatre. In fact with the confirmed KIA of General Xavier, enemy forces are beginning to advance and take back their territory that the General deprived them of. Until a replacement for General Xavier can be found, the commander and chief will have to take on the enemy in hand to hand combat.
This was General Xavier, from a few pages ago ;)

Ooo! I was loooking for fish pictures and reading the caption :D :D Unless thats a fish.Which I have never seen before -_-

Fish In Disguise :ninja:
Heh, yeah thats the way it is in most places. Here people were driving no less than 24 hours after the 7 feet of snow fell. We're used to it when the trees have no leaves 8)

Ya, a few feet of snow is nothing for us up-staters.... :good: Sorry to hear bout your loss but I'm glad you had that inverter handy to sustain life atleast at a minimal level. That would of been devistating emotionally and monetarily if you woulda lost your stock.

I'm glad you've kept up on the posting of this topic ski....it's showing me a lot of good things, and with this recent weather, giving a good example of the responsiblity we have on our hands with the lives of our aquaria life.
Heh, yeah OX, that lake effect machine can be a beast :) Thanks for the kind words, I appreciate it.

Cyber Ninja, the common name for that "fish in disguise" is a sea hare. I know for sure they live in shallow waters in the florida/gulf of mexico region where there is macroalgae everywhere (most notably near key biscayne and virginia key). I wouldnt be surprised if they're native to other regions of the atlantic or even the pacific.

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