Well, its been nearly a month since my last update, sry folks, but here's a little status on how things are going. First off, I want to just diary my troubles with my Gorgeous purple favites brain. First things first, NEVER do this (old pic from 6-7-06):
Notice how close the favites brain is to the mushrooms. Apparently despite their lack of stingers, mushrooms can pack quite a punch to brain corals. They swelled to the point of contact with the favites, and stung it pretty bad. Upon noticing this when I saw 3 or so polyps damaged, I moved the favites to the right away from the shrooms. Then the next morning it looked like this:
The coral seemed infected and a nasty brown mucosal layer was spreading from the site of initial sting. Also not pictured there was the fact that some of the coral was straight up without tissue near the original sting site. It was disintigrating within a matter of 8 hours. Upon reading up on brown slime infections I figured my best bet to save it was to take drastic action to frag it before I lost the entire colony. I took a dremmel tool with cutting wheel and carved a groove where I wanted to split the coral. Then used a sharp chisel and punched through the hard skeleton. Finally took an exacto knife and sliced out the half-split polyps to be left with a small chung of healthy tissue. This was my first fragging experience and let me tell you it was nerve wracking. However now, a full day later, the coral shows no signs of decay and it looks very healthy:
Polyp edges are extended and coloration is normal. Looks like I won
Also since my last update have been two new additions. First, some GSP, and second a Toothy bubble coral. I love the different serrated look of this guy
Figured I'd go with another round of shots since its been so long of the older specemins. In order they are, hammer, zoas/zoos/xenia, mushrooms, dual yellow leathers, my favorite open brain, and my little acro frag which hasnt grown much...
Things are going overall pretty well. I still have some decent pesky hair algae but who doesnt with a tank still as young as mine (4-5 months). Last but not least of course, what diary update would be complete without a full tank shot? Bar gobies still dont want to come out and play when its picture time