45 Gallon Reef Diary From Setup To...?

oooh i like this game!!!!

rubbish at it though, running out of ideas fast

dunno if they are copeopod eaters but i've heard both of these can be hard to get eating or get enough food to


cleaner wrasse



Another flasher ski? it must be they are the main type of wrasse that can happily live together in a tank....
Nope, flashers eat just about anything, too easy of a fish :D
Yes, Navarre also has the same wrasse :D. He's out foraging this morning but its nowhere near lights-on yet if he's still out tonight I'll get a pic :D
Well, the new officer was hiding when I got home late this evening, so no picture yet. I will finally let you all in on the fact that the new addition is, drumroll....

A juvenile Leopard Wrasse :yahoo:

I'm not too sure which species yet since it isnt showing its adult coloration yet, but we'll have to wait and see.

However, I have even better news. At least what I consider better news. After 3 days of looking forlorn from its encounter with the leather coral, my elegance is perking back up :D :D :D :yahoo:

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