Fish Crazy
Aww I'm really sorry to hear your bad news Ski, wish you and your family all the best. 
Wow, so it never ends apparently. Got in a car fender-bender in the rental car on the way back from pittsburgh, thank God everyone's ok. Someone needs to teach the DOT in puttsburgh how to plow a road, but thats another matter. Get home, start my car up (which I had left at my parents' house) and the fan blower motor is siezed so I can't heat up the car. Drive mercifully only two miles home in the 10 farenheight weather with my head out the window (cause its fogged up and I can't de-fog it without the blower) to find that my lazy ass roommates didnt bother to shovel the driveway and went to bed. Shovel myself an entrance and I get inside and upstairs to find that Lieutenant Piws is still MIA, the elegance looks like its about to die, withered away from the point where it got stung a few weeks back, and my leather coral was upsideown buried in the sand. Got a 12 hour work day tomorrow to make up for the fact that my co-worker and good friend's father is in the hospital from a much more severe car accident than our little fender bender. He's in critical condition with a punctured lung, broken ribs with internal bleeding and a bunch of other minor and major limb fractures. Lookin for an end in sight but I don't see one yet. Gonna bring home a chisel tomorrow and try fragging the elegance if it still looks as bad as it does today. There's a pretty easy spot to frag it where I'll at least seperate the stung area from the rest of the colony. No clue if that's gonna work but I'm basically out of options. Anyway, I'm gonna go un-pack then parka-up and run a few miles to exhaust myself into falling asleep. Praying for good news tomorrow.