45 Gallon Reef Diary From Setup To...?

Thanks for all your kind words guys, I appreciate it. Luck went the other way today, looks like my buddy's dad is gonna be ok. Came through emergency surgeries ok and they downgraded him from critical to serious condition, so thats good news. While they won't promise anything, the docs are hopeful for a full recovery. Big sigh of relief there for everyone involved. Was still lights-out this morning so who knows if the elegance perks up today, got my fingers crossed at least.

Anyway, just wanted to say thanks again for your remarks, it helps. Also I want to pre-apologize if I'm a little lazy around here or perhaps even a little bi-polar for the next two weeks. Gonna take me a little while to get back to my normal mental state. Just keep that in mind if I get a little ornery, thanks :good:
I'm sorry for you Ski :sad:

Good luck on restoring order in the Theatre. :good: And good luck to your mental health and your buddy's dad's. :good:
Ok well things are turning around. 4 pieces of good news, one of bad. Bad news, elegance coral continues to suffer, and after much consulting with people in my club who know a certain guy that's good with corals, the decision was made to not frag it, cross our fingers, and pray.

Now, on to the good news. My friend's dad was downgraded from Serious to Stable condition and moved out of the ICU. He doesnt remember a thing about the accident but is otherwise fine. Docs now claim he'll make a full recovery :D. The yellow leather, ever the tough cookie is showing signs of improvement today by extending polyps. Still not its fluffy radiant self, but it looks better. And last but certainly not least, Lieutenant Piws was sighted at feeding time this evening :D :yahoo:. He has hidden himself amongst a series of subetrranean spaces under the rubble at the base of the theatre. The good lieutenant must be finding food as he was significantly more plump than when first introduced to the theatre. He seems skittish but otherwise unharmed. Thank God.

And last but not least, a new officer was comissioned today and is being acclimated to conditions in the theatre as we speak. He has yet to recieve a call sign or a mug shot, so you'll all have to wait in suspense :D
Uhhh I hear that they made a new comandment that's called the "Ski Shalt Not Giveth Suspense-eth" In it, it states that Ski Fletch Fletcher (you) cannot make the land of TFF to go through a waiting period when you recieve new coral/fish/ro water/salt/ and anything else that relates to saltwater. :rolleyes:
so glad everythings turning round for your Ski :good:

but don't you worry if your feeling low or can't be bothered to trawl through our endless questions, we all understand and after the help and support you've given to just about everyone on this board it's time we gave something back.

you've got my msn if you ever wanna chat or moan or anything. :nod:
Great news about your friend's Dad and the rest of your tank Ski :good:

I hope your Elegance is feeling better and recovers v soon. I'm sure your run of bad luck is at an end now :rolleyes:
Thanks guys, the new secret addition acclimated well last night and took no guff from current officers. Now the challenge will be to make him comfortable and convince him to eat
Thanks guys, the new secret addition acclimated well last night and took no guff from current officers. Now the challenge will be to make him comfortable and convince him to eat

what is he! put us out of our misery
convince him to eat

Thats the hint, and two of the members here allready know what it is, I'd appreciate it if they kept that to themselves :D
might be a clue to anyone with a decent knowledge of marines........ means nothing to me though :rolleyes:
Lol, translated then, he is often times an obligate micro-invertebrate hunter... Although the first one or two fish that pop into your head is probably not correct ;)
so he eats copoepods and that sort of thing then???

and he's not a mandarin goby that being the first thing that popped into my head!
Correct on both :). This specific fish can get significantly larger than a mandarin and is not in the goby family ;)

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