45 Gallon Reef Diary From Setup To...?

LOL, I never knew that WW2 had a pacific theatre. I'm bad with my history :X :crazy:

wow :no:

ya what he said wow

More Americans died in the pacific theatre of war than any were else.
No offense meant but that is not funny that you dont know there was a pacific theatre.
I say you should get a good book and read up a litle on history.
Once again not funny my grandad almost died in the pacific boming Japan in a b-52

:no: :no: :no:
great looking tank ski, an interesting read aswell. hopefully i can find some corals like yours at my lfs this saturday
Ok well here we go. Pics about 24 hours after the re-aquascape. MOST specemins have perked up yet some are still a little stressed from the move. There's LOTS more caves in the new setup which my fish seem to love. We'll see how things settle out the nexc couple days.

BAH! Reading?! Never! Plus its history so I shouldn't care. :lol: . I propably learned it somewheres but forgot it. That's how I do 8)

Ok well here we go. Pics about 24 hours after the re-aquascape. MOST specemins have perked up yet some are still a little stressed from the move. There's LOTS more caves in the new setup which my fish seem to love. We'll see how things settle out the nexc couple days.


Lol, I was so caught up in the history session I forgot to comment on the pictures I've been waiting for :fun: . Its really nice. It reminds me of the drop off in Finding Nemo. Maybe a little too tall but thats not what you were going for in the first place :D . Maybe if you get the rocks filled with coral and a few flat pieces and get a boat to float to the top and artificial divers that go up and down. You can pull it off :lol:
Lol, never seen the movie :shifty:

:blink: :blink: :blink: YOU'VE NEVER SEEN FINDING NEMO?!@$!@ :blink: :blink: :blink:


I Love Finding Nemo :wub: . I've watched it 3 times and I own it on DVD. lol, I didn't buy the DVD I got it for free :fun: . But I cant find it so that doesnt matter. Anywho, yeah its a must watch.
Didnt see what was wrong with your last aquascape ski? All those mushrooms nicely built on the left :nod:
BAH! Reading?! Never! Plus its history so I shouldn't care. :lol: . I propably learned it somewheres but forgot it. That's how I do 8)

Sorry ski, not gonna try and hi-jack your post here, but I must say, history is fundamental to understanding ourselves and where we are going because whether it's cliche to say it or not, "History always repeats itself". You should care about history so first that you don't look like an ignorant fool if someone talks about something on the news or you are reading something for school and an event or time is referenced and you have no idea what it is/was. I understand many people don't find it interesting but you should still know atleast some key points in history, one being only the biggest world event and biggest change to the world in the last 100 years.

I think you need to get your learning into order. As much as I love fish and learning about their biology, I would hope if you have to devote a certain amoutn of brainpower towards either memorizing key events in WWII or memorizing the eating habits of 50 species of fish, then I would hope you would choose the earlier.

EDIT: Like I said, sorry ski. I do like your new scape! It'll look quite nice when all your corals come back. And I do agree, it's sorta like the drop-off from Finding Nemo. Haha
Nice re-scape :good:

Just one thing the two LPS's on the bottom right are they ther same species? if not I'd move one of them. I've lost my hammer because it was too close to my bubble! took 24h to kill it.
Dunno, I just felt like re-scaping. Got the urge to churn things up a little. Also wanted to create some more room for my maxi-mod pumps and get my old ones out from under the rock. Hidden pumps look cool but the performance degrades a lot over time and I had very little flow in the tank as it stood before the re-scape.

The mushrooms will grow back and re-cover that lower right corner in a couple months I'm sure so dun worry about that guys ;).

There are 3 Euphylla corals to the right now (one is new ;)). From right to left are a green body purple tip frogspawn (new), a brown body green tip frogspawn, and my brown body blue tip hammer/frogspawn hybrid. Some euphylla species get along, others do not. We'll see if they play nice ;)
Dunno, I just felt like re-scaping. Got the urge to churn things up a little. Also wanted to create some more room for my maxi-mod pumps and get my old ones out from under the rock. Hidden pumps look cool but the performance degrades a lot over time and I had very little flow in the tank as it stood before the re-scape.

The mushrooms will grow back and re-cover that lower right corner in a couple months I'm sure so dun worry about that guys ;).

There are 3 Euphylla corals to the right now (one is new ;)). From right to left are a green body purple tip frogspawn (new), a brown body green tip frogspawn, and my brown body blue tip hammer/frogspawn hybrid. Some euphylla species get along, others do not. We'll see if they play nice ;)

That is really nice Ski :good: How much rock you got in there?
Gotta be honest I have no clue. I think about 60lbs, but thats just an estimate. Its a lot but I've seen tanks with more

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