Well, just got back from a trip to my LFS and had to make a few purchases

A neon green torch coral which I brought home with me (always wanted one), and a BIG Tridacna Derasa clam which I wont pick up till this weekend. Also, my hood is finally complete structurally and all wiring is ran. Just waiting for the last coats of stain to dry and we'll be in business hopefully by friday. I'm so fired up to use it and its halides

. Keep your eyes on this space and I'll update frequently this week
And also I know I've told you guys a lot about my LFS, and they have some GORGEOUS tanks. The owners Randy and Jason really know their stuff (both have been doing maintenance and tank setup for over 15 years each) and they really know how to setup a mean tank. So I figured I'd show you guys their two display tanks. First up, the main display which is a custom built tank around 200 gallons in capacity (8 feet long) built into the wall just as you enter the doorway. Btw, excuse the date on the camera, I gotta change that
The tank is lit by 3 Hamilton 14000K 250watt metal halide lamps about 18" from the surface. There's a 75g tank underneath as a sump which is supplied by an overflow with two 2" drains. The return pump is a massive sequence methinks and it also runs a closed loop on an Ocean Motions wavemaking device (alternates between 4 outputs) for flowrate. Tons of LR as you can see, and an ASM G6 skimmer for protein skimming. I forget the exact dimensions of the skimmer but they're somthing like 1' diameter by 3' high. Unbelievable piece of work. They're doing mostly SPS and some LPS in the tank along with a bunch of anthias, wrasses, clownfish, and ultimately (not in there yet) one Naso tang
After that, when you walk into the main fish room you see what I like to call the "Wrasse Tank"
Its a standard 120g (4x2x2) lit by two 175watt 10000k XM halides and 2 96watt actinic PC bulbs. Custom stand and canopy and a custom sump with two wavemaker returns (oscillating pipes). A Euroreef CS model skimer (forget which one exactly), and topped up daily with kalkwasser. The tank is almoast solely LPS and a few zoos. Here's a closeup of the left side
And the right side
Its jam-packed with fish, namely 10 full-grown fairy wrasses, one yellow tang, one purple tang, one pajama cardinal, one anthias, a bunch of electric blue hermits, and a pair of Percula Clownfish that lay eggs every month. The corals are the real stars of the show though IMO. Here's a couple even closer shots.
First up, the ultra green Euphylla wall (frogspawn, torch, and hammer)
Then, the Echinopora dominating the top center of the tank
And lastly, the Scolymias and Cynarinas on the sand in front
These tanks are my inspiration every week