Chuck Norris is the reason why waldo's hiding
And now that darkness has fallen it is my GREAT pleasure to tell one and all of General Eisenharts victory! On this the 25th day of the 11th month of the 2006th year of our Lord, the Forces of Algae surrendered to General Eisenhart and his Algal Demolitions Army. The enemy has been routed from their positions and ended this war. Som scarring of the field of battle still remains but today is V-A day. Due to General Eisenhart's fierce hunger for combat, he has been transferred out of service to an allied army in hopes of satiating his hunger for battle. Meanwhile, the General's second in command, Major Julio Chaves and his subordinates, Captains Sturm and Beldar will be required to keep any Insurgency at bay. Hopefully they are up to the task.
For a photographic depiction of the General's success, please view these before and after recon photos of the theatre:
Now that victory has finally been achieved, command has seen fit to turn its attention to engineering feats. The corps of engineers has been recruited to fabricate new powerheads and more importantly to design a new landscape. A great earthmoving project will be undertaken as soon as the corps has sufficient time.
OooO. It's clean