40g breeder plans...

To be fair, I really don't think @itiwhetu was recommending them to Rocky! Nor a single betta in a 40 breeder. Just saying these are the types of fish people like to get, then throw other fish in because they get bored of having a single species only to have bad results. :)

I know a lot of monster fish keepers keep silver dollars in their tanks, but I don't know much about the giant fishes, my hobby headed in the other direction towards the teeny, peaceful fish.
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To be fair, I really don't think @itiwhetu was recommending them to Rocky! Nor a single betta in a 40 breeder. Just saying these are the types of fish people like to get, then throw other fish in because they get bored of having a single species only to have bad results. :)

I know a lot of monster fish keepers keep silver dollars in their tanks, but I don't know much about the giant fishes, my hobby headed in the other direction towards the teeny, peaceful fish.
yah I dont think he was recommending them really either to me
To be fair, I really don't think @itiwhetu was recommending them to Rocky! Nor a single betta in a 40 breeder. Just saying these are the types of fish people like to get, then throw other fish in because they get bored of having a single species only to have bad results. :)

I know a lot of monster fish keepers keep silver dollars in their tanks, but I don't know much about the giant fishes, my hobby headed in the other direction towards the teeny, peaceful fish.
I sit corrected.
Ok... So how does this stocking sound for the 40g?

3x Pearl Gourami (Trichopodus leerii)
5x Peacock Gudgeons (Tateurndina ocellicauda)
15x Sterbai Corydoras (Corydoras sterbai)
11x Lambchop Rasboras (Rasbora Espei)
Ok... So how does this stocking sound for the 40g?

3x Pearl Gourami (Trichopodus leerii)
5x Peacock Gudgeons (Tateurndina ocellicauda)
15x Sterbai Corydoras (Corydoras sterbai)
11x Lambchop Rasboras (Rasbora Espei)
Not totally sure on the Rasboras... But I definitely love the rest
You are just asking for trouble as I have stated before. Get a second tank and leave the Peacock Gudgeons in peace.
Dirt is not a problem, but pool filter sand is. What it feels like in your hand is not a reliable guide, I fell into this trap some years ago with a plant substrate (also not good with substrate fish, BTW). Here is a post (January 4, 2020) from Mark Wolek, a member of CorydorasWorld. that covers this.

Let's talk sand for a moment. I see so many people recommend PFS for Corys which doesn't seem ideal to me.

Reef keepers with sand sifting fish won't use PFS because it is sharp edged and, while it may not kill the fish, it is likely uncomfortable for sharp edged sand to pass through soft gills. Reefers have argranite sand like Southdown available to them, which is very fine, powdery and soft, I have a whole trash can of the stuff from my reef, but it will buffer water, so it's out for Corys.

PFS works by having sharp edges which are used to catch dirt. Over time all of these sharp edges fill with collected material, wear down, and the sand needs to be replaced.

I know a LOT of people use PFS for their Corys, but is it really ideal? I don't think it is... A fish isn't going to stop sifting sand because of discomfort, it's engrained in their biology to do this.

Black Diamond "Sand" is basically coal slag and is also very sharp. The recommended size, 2040, is too large to sift. The finer 3060 sand may be siftable but looked pretty sharp to me, and also has a green tint I am not fond of.

In the wild, from the videos I've seen, I suspect they are actually sifting through mulm, very fine sand and mostly soil, which is probably incredibly soft (ever step in the bottom of a lake or non-rock bed river with bare feet? SO soft!)

So what is really the best sand for sifting fish, that won't affect pH or hardness? I am 100% not sold on PFS yet.

The most commonly used pool filter sand is #20 silica sand. It comes from ground quartz, which creates sharp silica grains with jagged edges excellent for trapping particulates from passing water."

'Many years of forced water wears away the sharp edges of pool filter sand. Over time, the sand grains become more circular, losing their sharp edges, and their ability to trap small particles.'
This is why I hate sand; people think sand is sand it is pretty and will do the job. In my opinion that is not the case and if the aquarist gets it wrong it can be dangerous.
No big gouramis of any type with peacock gudgeons.

Itiwhetu is correct, the peacock gudgeons do best in a single species tank or with small peaceful fish that aren't going to eat all the food and cause problems.

Most of the smaller Pseudomugil rainbowfish will be fine with them as would Iriatherina werneri (captive bred ones). But I would avoid gouramis.

If space for the aquarium is the issue, get a double tier stand and put the big tank on top and the smaller tank underneath.
No big gouramis of any type with peacock gudgeons.

Itiwhetu is correct, the peacock gudgeons do best in a single species tank or with small peaceful fish that aren't going to eat all the food and cause problems.

Most of the smaller Pseudomugil rainbowfish will be fine with them as would Iriatherina werneri (captive bred ones). But I would avoid gouramis.

If space for the aquarium is the issue, get a double tier stand and put the big tank on top and the smaller tank underneath.
I can't have a stand. No space.
The thing my mom let's me use is a dresser of about 50" long and 36" seems to be the biggest my mom wants on there.

I have heard about and seen peacock gudgeons doing well in community set up.
So I would be willing to give up the pearl gouramis if I did the 40g... Sadly. I really really love pearls. I heard their really peaceful and curious creatures...
Are the PKs still breeding like crazy? I forget the tank size they are in now, but how many do you have now?

Listen to the guys above who have experience with these fish; if they are best left on their own, then it is what it is.

About the dresser...a filled 40B (no substrate, deco, just water) will weigh about 458 pounds (208 KG)...are you certain it can hold that much, plus the weight of substrate and everything else?
Are the PKs still breeding like crazy? I forget the tank size they are in now, but how many do you have now?

Listen to the guys above who have experience with these fish; if they are best left on their own, then it is what it is.

About the dresser...a filled 40B (no substrate, deco, just water) will weigh about 458 pounds (208 KG)...are you certain it can hold that much, plus the weight of substrate and everything else?
It's solid wood. I'm very sure it can hold it.
I have 2 fully grown ones and I haven't seen any batches of fry for a bit but I think the male may be guarding one now... Then in the 10g I have my "teen fish".
I plan on selling off all my fry and taking down the 10g before getting the 40g, that way space is cleared and the upgrade goes faster and easier.
Yah the peacock gudgeons are definitely not breeding as crazy as they were before which is one of the reasons I kinda want to upgrade while possible so that they don't have any eggs they'd be guarding while switching over.
Like this has to be the first POSSIBLE batch of eggs I've seen in about a month
This tank on YouTube is definitely over stocked in my opinion but they have pearl gouramis and different type if gudgeons with them including peacock gudgeons:
This tank on YouTube is definitely over stocked in my opinion but they have pearl gouramis and different type if gudgeons with them including peacock gudgeons:

Just because someone on youtube has it doesn't mean its good.
That guy has 0 Subscibers. For all we know he could be a kid who doesn't know better.
Just because someone on youtube has it doesn't mean its good.
That guy has 0 Subscibers. For all we know he could be a kid who doesn't know better.
Yes you are right.
I definitely am careful about things like this BUT in this video you can see that they all seem to be getting along fine, even while being over stocked

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