40g breeder plans...

This is your call. This species does show a liking for interaction among their own (not all cories in mixed species groups do this, but sterbai do). At the same time, 8 is a good number, and 8 of another species should not cause any issues for either.
Hmm... I will keep this in mind! I definitely want what is best for the fish and I will provide it to the best of my abilities, so I may get just one large group of corydoras so they feel even more safe...
But at the same time, it would be really cool to have two different groups of corydoras!
So I can't get the tank until Thursday... I have to special order a 40g breeder from our LPS cause they don't have any in stock and they don't arrive until Thursday.
So instead of it being today or Monday, it will be Thursday. Small set-back but I'm really happy I can finally get it!
Ok. So I special ordered the aquarium just now and they said their shipments come on Thursdays, usually in the late evening so they will probably call me on Friday to pick it up...
I called up the pet store and they have the aquarium in!! I'll be picking it up later today and then leak testing for ABOUT a week
Just got the 40g and I'm leak testing it!

FYI, all future updates will be moved to this thread: https://www.fishforums.net/threads/planted-40g-aquarium-journal.488019/
Just a reminder on here for those that don't know. I have moved all updates to this thread:

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