Hi this sounds interesting

I've seen you mention your ph is 8 but wondering what your hardness is? Sorry if I've missed it.
With the higher ph I'm just wondering if you would consider Central American Cichlids? Some of the smaller species like Amatitlania Cutteri, Saijaica, Nanoluteus, Myrnae or Altoflavus could work, as could Thoricthys species like Meeki, Ellioti, Aureus. Rainbow Cichlids could also be a good choice here. Either a single specimen - which is the easiest option, or a pair which could be more interesting. Or for something like the Cutteri or Nanoluteus a small group would be possible in a tank this size.
Its a different kind of community as I'd give the cichlids all of the bottom of the tank. But in the upper levels, big choices in terms of livebearers, any of the commercial colours of Swordtails or Platies or you could look at some of the rarer species.
Schooling fish, if you wanted to stay biotope correct the easiest tetra is the Blind Cave Fish - though they are not for everyone. I don't understand why they are the only real Central American tetra in the hobby but its rare to even see their non-cave dwelling form (looks a bit like a Buenos Aires Tetra). You can go further afield though with some good Barb species Odessa Barbs or Rosy Barbs could be a good choice? Some of the commercial colour forms of Rosy Barbs are incredible, though avoid the long fins.
An other fish to mention in here but you might think too close to your current Gobies are Empire Gudgeons - always thought the pictures you see are just breeding dress and occasional colour ups, good photos etc but saw some in a store a few weeks ago and they are stunning! Look like bigger versions of your Gobies though so might be too close for you in 2 tanks.
Rainbow fish might also be a good idea - smaller species like Dwarf Neon, Kamaka, Herbertaxelrodi could work (though Dwarf Neon are a bit sickly these days). They are not without risk, ColinT can testament to that, but, beautiful fish.