30 Gallon Nano Journal...

owww :( well if you lived near me id give ya some

Well its not that there isnt any place around my house that sells them :p I just feel to lazy to look around. My local reefers club propably knows loads of places :lol: :fun: But thanks for the thought :D
I am battling a little bit of brown algae. Is there a way to get rid of it? Is it true that a phosphate remover will help eliminate it?
I had a huge brown algae problem with my tank. It got so bad that I had to take out my LR and scrub it again. But once I switched to RO and with weekly water changes now I have next to no brown algae. how long has you tank been setup for? I always prefer to add as few chemicals to the water as possible, but someone else can help you with phos remover cause I'm not too sure.


I got some Nori and was wondering if I left it in there will it cause an amonia spike if not eaten quickly enough? And if I do decide to keep it in there until something eats it how do I do it? I see that it floats so do I have to clip it down?
Got a magnet scraper? That'll squeeze it against the glass ;). Since your tank is small try and stick to small squares of it for feeding. Something like 1 or 2" squares :good:

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