3,500 gallon tank - what to put in?!

I'd add some Large and Small mouth bass.......who cares about ethics of fish and frikin hogamuroo. there FISH they have a memory of like 3 seconds. have a school of rainbow trout in there ............. and throw in a couple of Otters and maybe a beaver and some turtles.

Then wait for everything to get real big and buy a fishing pole and fish in your tank. That'd kick some serious ass.

A school of Crappy and Sunfish would be cool too. and a huge cat fish.

Grow a state record bass in your tank then act like you caught it out of a lake and get a whole bunch of money for it. Thats a thought too.
A school of clown loach..

honestly..i would do that..the huge ones..maybe you can even breed them, who knows? :p
Derpeder said:
there FISH they have a memory of like 3 seconds.
CFC said:
Warrior said:
All I know is do abit of research before adding anything, for fish that is, if you planning on a bunch of aro's etc etc your food bill could run into and over $100 per week. My Catfish and Cichlids cost me $30 a week and I dont even have to many as well. As for the tank getting whitespot in it I wouldnt stress to much, my 240g has never got it but my smaller tank has, the bigger the tank the more stable it is, so dont stress to much. Great Tank though and will always be the talking point in your house, I cant wait to see the pictures of it.

What on earth are you feeding them!! Feeding all my fish (which are mainly large and carnivorous) only costs me around £15 a month (thats a little under $30). I get virtually all my fish food from the fish mongers or the supermarket in 1 kilo bags and go through around 4 1/2 kilos of food in a month, usually a kilo of cooked prawns (shrimp) a kilo of cooked mussel meat, two kilos of whitebait (small fish) and half a kilo of cockles. All LFS charge rip off prices for their frozen foods, the only thing i buy there is frozen bloodworm for my sons fish and the odd bag of hikari pellets to use when i'm feeling lazy and cant be bothered to get the fish out of the freezer.

Thats my problem, I keep on going to the LFS's for food, I do get it cheaper than other people from there as I know them well but its still costing me abit. Im starting to buy shimps at $4 every 4 days or so and my TSN gets most of those seeing as they sink right to the bottom right away. I go through one packet of bloodworms everyday now whitch cost me $2 per packet, the cichlids love these and most of them are 11" and over, but I am how ever still looking around at sea food shops etc etc..
Sorry for a bump, but someone said your water bill we be $1000 or somthing because of this tank, but in fact the larger the tank the less water changes are needed. In my 8x2x2 the water gets changed ever 2nd month, but in my little 3ft tank I have to change it just about every week, the larger the tank the more stable it is, and remember with a tank that large he will have massive filters running it.
Wow a tank that size is amazing..

Id add a bunch of oscars and pacu in their, one big peice of drift wood and alot of sand is all ud need :p

Good luck
Adistar said:
Wow a tank that size is amazing..

Id add a bunch of oscars and pacu in their, one big peice of drift wood and alot of sand is all ud need :p

Good luck
get piranhas im talkin vicious cool red bellied pirahnas :hey: u wud jus need a big filter to help keep the mess in check an you got sum beasts livin in your house B)
hahahaha honestly though does anyone know if she or he is actualy getting it
Paul_MTS said:
yvez9 said:
put a male and female guppy, see how fast they'll breed :p

mmmmmmmm everyone loves inbred deformed guppies.

Yeah, it'd be the aquarium equivalent of "Dawn of the Dead".
That tank is bigger than most pools? Indoor swimming anyone? :p

A few alligators? :p

A tank that size, wow. You can fun with this one. I would divide it. Divide it and create 4-5 unique biotopes, each displaying a variety of plants and animals. You could find biotopes with similar water conditions, pH etc, and then create the various environments. Start with a Thai backwater. Put a power head in one of the sections then have an Asian stream. Then move to WEst Africa and do a congo set up. Then cross the ocean and setup two Amazonian biotopes. It would be like a tour of the world's aquatic ecosystems. That, for me would be uber cool, and possibly not beyond scope. This is a super opportunity to create something incredible, something museum calibre. It is almost too good to be true. :drool:

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