3,500 gallon tank - what to put in?!

imagine the outbreak when u get one sick fish...your going to literlly swim in the tank to find the sick fish lol

and the algea out breaks, and etc....all I got to say is, a tank that big will need dedication and patience...and lots of it lol just try to imagine going to a LFS and cleaning them out because u bought all thier stuff lol

and wow, imagine doing a fishless cycle on that baby!!! wow ur going to need giant vat loads of bio-spira lol

well, for stocking I say...5 MTS...yes just 5...drop 100packages of algea wafers and ur set lol
Woah, awesome idea lljdma06! Could you imagine?? :drool:
BIG catfish, rays and gars deffinately! Maybe some big knife fish?

Sounds like an excellent prospect, can't WAIT to see pictures!

I think you should go for an amazonian setup - arrowanas, large catfish, rays etc and a big shoal of Prochilodus! (they rock, I just don't have the room even for one :sad: ).

You could have lotsa tropical giant water lilies floating on the surface.

There's no way you'd carry out water changes manually on a tank that size, as CFC mentioned, you'd just have an RO unit continously feeding the tank with the aid of an auto. water changer or something.

I also use Beech tree twigs (which are fish safe) in my tanks to make 'em look really natural...you could probably fit a whole beech tree in your tank lol, but seriously some larger branches would look very effective.
just have an R-O unit constantly feeding into the tank, and at the water-line have some small holes cut for an overflow, lead this straight into the drain... Just make sure you cover it properly!

OSCAR!!!!!!!!Put an oscar!They have way more personality than anyother fish!!!!Four oscars!!!!!!Or like a catfish!!!!WWWWEEEEEE put a sailfin catfish or a red tail catfish in there!!!!!GAR AROWANAS YOUR CHOICE!!!

Good luck on holding 28,000 pounds of water and 400 pounds of gravel in your house.
cyprinut said:
A ladder, a slide and several pretty girls in bikinis.  :)

hehe, definately dont forget the girls in bikinis :D

...also .... like some else said... a great white maybe? lol

im not sure these both would be very compatible tho :rolleyes:
NOT SURE BUT A Tank that big oi think outbreaks and stuff would be alot easier cause the deseises would be less concentrated in the water and i dont think you would have to do many water changes with that tank and i think you wouldent even have to cycle a tank that big
I wonder where the lucky tank owner is? He hasn't been active since early Sept. Do you think he's (I'm assuming he's male based on the name) reading our 8 pages worth of replies to this post? Just curious. :)

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