2nd spawn attempt

releasing her eggs isn't uncommon. She's just overexcited, there should be plenty left for the actual embrace. But...she's putting her eggs in the nest you say? :huh:
yes! well it's been 8 hours since i first saw htem embrac,e they MUST be done right? *looks helpless* but the male isnt showing ANY aggression towards her at ALL

the feamle is releasing her eggs, adn then the mlae and her are picking them back up and psitting them back into th enest, they can't be fertilized!!

what..is she confused?! cuz i sure am!
uhhhm, sounds like they're BOTH confused. They did wrap though? So surely some eggs were fertilized. Dad's going to have a busy night eating bad eggs :sick: :lol:

Don't worry yet :)
:lol: oh god i don't know what they're doing! they have embraced, it's been 8 hours since i first saw hte first embrace :lol:

they're not embracing anymore...she's just relaseing eggs and he's just picking it up thinking i'ts fertilized...:S i think he's confused, and i thinks she's going a little psychotic about it lol.

1st spawn pair *sigh*

2:22am - (I AM SO TIRED) - femael still mysteriously dropping eggs, i read somwhere that its' possible that she'l just drop eggs and the male will fertilize them whiel they fall, no tsure if this is true or not but...bah.

I shined a flashlight athe nest, saw a bunhc of eggs. I couldnt' remember...waht ddo unfertilzied eggs look like? was it yellow? or white? my brain is shutting down lol. I think i'm going to leave the feamle in...and leave the light on.

2nd spawn pair - nothing :)
thursday August 5th..

this is really getting strange guys

1st spawning pair

9:13am - female still in the tank with the tank, their first embrace was seen yesterdya at 5pm or so, which means they've been left with each other for over 12 hours. I checked on the feamle, male is showing aboustely NO aggression towards her. She seems to be guarding the eggs wtih the male? :/ There are eggs in the nest (though small), and the female nad mlae are picking up any ones that fell out of the nest. He deosnt' chase her away, she is fine fin-wise, etc. What do you think? has this ever hapepned?
update (again)

1st spawning pair

10:52am - male and feamle still together, with no signs of aggression at all. They're both picking up the eggst hat are dropping and putting htem back inot the nest. I think it's going to be a small spawn becuase there isn't a lot of eggs (and i don't know how many of them are even fertilized to start since she just started to drop tehm randomly :blink:) I'm going out for hte day, so i'm going ot leave them together, even if the female gets chased she'll have hiding spots.

2nd spawning pair

10:52am - female released into the tank wiht the male, who flared at her for a bit, she went to check out the nest, obviously not finding it good enougha dn swam away. Haven't seen the male working on the nest yet :/ i'm hoping for good news when i come back -_-


do you guys think it's okay if i leave the feamle in from the first spawning pair? They seem to be..i don't know, liking each other a lot, which is freaky :look: but sorta cute :S :*
:D already, this is the first time where i didn't have to remove the feamle :lol: both male and female are completely scratch free, not even a litlte cut on each other! She had a cut on her tail fin about a day ago, bu it's healed now. And he is...as good as he ever was!

Strnage, they both tend to the nest without any agression at all, they both picked up the dropped eggs :blink:

as for the 2nd spawn, the male isn't working on the nest, and the female is hiding away in a corner :thumbs:
I believe that at times, rarely, the female and male will both care for the eggs/fry. It appears you may have one of those kind of pairs. If they weren't wrapping though I have my doubts they'll be fertilized, but who knows, you might be pleasantly surprised. If the eggs start to disappear then it probably means they weren't fertilized and the parents are eating them as they realize it (so they don't fungus and kill any good eggs). As for what to do about the female, I guess that's your call, I personally would get her out before they hatch, who knows how she'll react to the babies. BUT it could be a good experiment to see what happens if you left both in, so up to you.

On 2nd spawn, 2 words....be patient :)


1st spawning pair - not much to see, parents awiating arrival of fry :)

2nd spawning pair

4:07pm - after relasing the female for 6 hours and not seeing anything, i removed the biggest plant from the tank so she didn't have as many places to hide. Also fed her 1/4 cube of bloodworms (tried to feed the male, he refused it). So she's full and happy now. After a bit of chasing, the male seems to be "guarding" the nest once again (still not buildling bubbles damnit), feamle is swimming around in the open and wathcing him from time to time

porbably the last update -_-

1st spawning pair - nothing, still guarding the eggs with both parents

2nd spawning pair

11:30pm - released female into the tank with teh male after feeding her another meal of bloodworms, he chased her around and she is hiding in a corner. Still no nest. I'm leaving them in overight....but i doubt this spawn is going to turn out :sad: i might try the ct female with a dt male in about 2 weeks
well i think for the first pair u will end up with a good spwan, i dont know y shes dropping eggs like that thogh, i have read that in some cases after mateing both male and female bettas will gaurd the nest and fry so i dont think there will be any problems after the eggs hatch. lol have faith in ur bettas the spawn will b great :D

as for the second pair, id just remove both and try again in a couple weeks, i think their just inexperiencced and need a lil time to get it all together. dont give up on em yet. :)
heya, thanks for replying. It's now in the morning and 40 hours since the first embrace for my first pair...eggs are still dropping but nothing is hatching :/

i'm going to stop my 2nd pair :nod: there was no nest build overnight and ntohing seems to be ahppening :/ oh well it was a good try anywyas :rolleyes:
hey linda, completely missed ur post sorry!! :crazy:


1st spawning pair -

FRY FRY!!! the eggs have hatched :D mommy is still in there with the male, dilgently picking up any falling egg/fry, the male is also helping. 2 mouths and 4 eyes is better than 1 mouth and 2 eyes! :wub:

2nd spawning pair -nothing lol
good job!! maybe you should remove the male and leave the female in for a test, but thats probly bound to have problems. good job again and gl.

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