2nd spawn attempt

thanks for replying guys :D i almost fell over hwen i saw htem ebracing!

they seem to have stopped for now, i think the male felt like the nest needed a bit more work :) i stopped peeking so i really dont' know :D

as for hte 2nd pair, teh temp is stitting at 80-81. I could try turning it up (i have nothing else to try anyways). Well, i might try feedin both fish a bit later and see if that gets them in the mood. The male just stares at the nest (it still needs a lot of work).

:blink: strange things

1st spawning pair

- eggs!!! i see eggs! well i see the eggs falling and the feamle picking them up :wub: the male is working diligently on the nest (however much he can make anyways)

i might replace the male for the other spawn, as they dotn' show interest in each ohter at all :no:
dang, your so much better than me. im gonna raise the temp. the female doesnt even venture towards the male that often. hopefully your eggs hatch!!!
thanks ccm :D i hope you get eggs soon too! :wub: try feeding both the fish if they haven't embraced, that usually gets them in the mood ;) :thumbs:

i havent' had any luck iwth teh second pair :( i might remove the male tonight, he deosnt' even seem remoately interested in the feamle :grr:

1st spawning pair:

7:45 pm - still some embracing going on, i notice that they dont' do all teh embracing at once, its' more like one embrace, 5 minutes later, anohter embrace. In between these times the male is busy trying to build a nest (not really get anywhere though) and the female just watches. They still seem to be trying to get the position right, she still slips out from time to time :unsure: looks like it's going to be a small spawn :(

2nd spawning pair - now it's a red/blue ct x blue ct

7:45 pm - removed the first male (after much chasing and frustration), put him back in his little recovery tank. Placed the red/blue ct into the tank with a container (to let him acclimate), and put the female back in her chimney. Basically "restarted" the spawn. there is something like a bubblenest under the cup already, so hopeuflly this male will do a better job :thumbs:

1st spawning pair

8:32pm - i don't know i haven't peeked :p

2nd spawning pair

8:32pm - released male inot tank, he flared at the female who was still in the chimney :)

1st spawning pair

10:19 pm - no clue whats' going on anymore :/ not sure if theyr'e done embracing, last few times i checked they were still embracing. But now i see them wandering all over the tank, nobody is really tending to the nest :blink: not sure whether or not i should leave the feamle in for the night

2nd spawning pair

10:19 pm - male flares constnatly at the female, who is showing a litlte stress stripes, i also caught him under the nest staring at it for a while, could be thinking about building it. I Plan to release the female tmr monring


tell me if i hsoul dleave the feamle in for the night for my first spawning pair :)
i think you should. i dont think she will be hurt badly over night because of the darkness and you still can get more babies. thats just me though. GL
i think i will too, they seem to be a slowww pair, since the male always tries to build a nest :/ they're not aggressive with each other at ALL right now, in fact they're sorta cuddly :wub: strange to see such an aggressive fish be so calm :)

how is ur spawn going ccm?

Very happy for u CC :nod:

Hope ur eggs hatch........ :D

From the club so far Im going to have the oldest fry....... :thumbs: :whistle:
damn you 55, damn you!

haha, keeping my fingres crossed! i dont' want to jinx it :X

1st spawning pair

10:39pm - just caught another embrace, it's been hours and they're still going at it! i still see eggs droping, someitmes the parents would take a walk (swim) and go away from the nest for a litlte bit.

2nd spawning pair

10:40 pm - female released, she went to check out the male's nest, stared at it for a bit and then swam away, male flared at her, but didn't chase her. He sems to be under the nest (possibly wokring on it?) i might recup her back for the night if there is too much aggression .

that's all for now :thumbs:
shrks1fan said:
Bubblenests are definetly NOT a must...there have been many succesful spawns without ever a bubble (or so I'm told by several local breeders). I've had a spawn where there wasn't much of a nest when they started, but he built it while they embraced and afterwards, so don't worry. Now that they're embracing you'll have eggs soon. As for the 2nd pair, have you tried turning up the temp? Say to 84F? Sometimes that will get them going.

yup, i agree with you, the last spawn we had, the male had a really small nest but eggs were still deposited. after mating the male spent a lot of time building up the nest. who would have thought the spawn from that "small" nest would total over 600 when all was said and done :lol:

1st spawning pair

11:31pm - didnt' see htem spawn, but i did see eggs falling and the feamle catching them, so i assume they're still going at it as they are very gentl with each other right now :thumbs: looks like a sloooow one, but that doens't matter :wub:

2nd spawning pair

11:31 pm - female recupped, she was hidding in the plants and the male was cahsing her around like mad :X i'll leave them alone for the night like this and hope for a nest tmr morning :wub:

thanks for the encouragment guys :D i hope this spawn will go well even wtihout the nest :nod:

1st spawning pair

1:24am - ahhhh female is...relaseing her eggs...without an embrace??! what's giong oN??? should i leave her in for hte night? is she done? why is she randomly releasing eggs and thorwing them in the nest? :blink: HLEP!!!!

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