Fish Addict
Clean that impeller chamber!Unless something has chipped in it to cause asymmetry somewhere, you shouldn't get a big rattle unless there is still stuff knocking about. Last thing you want is to have the impeller to freeze when you're out and have the motor overheat because of the lack of water circulating over it.
Are you still at 5ppm nitrate? If so, other people start singing the praises of their skimmers when they get DOWN to that level.Seriously, don't be obsessed with zeroing it this early in the game, you will just drive yourself insane until the tank matures. I'm not saying don't get a skimmer, but once you get some fish in there don't be surprised if you suddenly see it creep up to 10ppm for a while even with a skimmer.
The impeller situation has happened to this filter before. I have cleaned it very very well but it continues with the noise. It will clear up eventually, I hope.
I tested it yesterday and I was between 20 and 40 on the chart, today after a wc and all the cleaning (all but one hob, I got lazy) im somewhere around 10 parts, it's hard to say. Also it was steady at 5 parts when i was doing 2.5gal changes daily to every other
day. The good news is that my chaeto has absolutely exploded, I have been keeping my 15led 6500k bulb 1" from the top of the fuge
How much time does it normally take for denitrifying bacteria to colonize the DSB? I only have 40lbs, I hope it's enough, it is very tiny grain so I hope so.
Needs some tweaking