24G Nano Cube DX Nano Reef Setup

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Beauty Happens Slowly, Disaster Happens Quickly (or, Tank Maintenance)

I think this is a good place to stop the diatribe and just fade into the classic 'here is how my tank is doing'. But...specifically for the cube, a brief review of some stuff we can do to prevent a 'crash'. Get in the habit of doing the maintenance and stick with it. Those of you who came over here like me from FW.....these tanks won't take the missed water changes or parameter checks. So, the basics again:

Water Changes

Hey..broken record here, but, this is obviously the most important thing to do. I did weekly changes with my FW and I will do weekly with the cube to start off. If you get really good and comfortable and have a good handle on your bioload, biweekly might be the way to go. Recommendations are 10% if you do weekly changes, 15-20% if biweekly. Make sure the water is tank temp and same s.g.

Topping Off

Don't forget that evaporation will raise your salinity/specific gravity. You must top off with pure water as you see needed during the week. It can be daily or less. DO NOT top off with SW unless you are trying to bring up your s.g. SALT DOES NOT EVAPORATE.

The Chambers

In chamber one, make sure you keep up with cleaning the sponge to prevent it from becoming a 'nitrate trap'. Cleanse it 1-2 times per week in either aquarium water or change it out altogether (rotate it) with another sponge. Some cubers don't use a sponge at all, so, biologic activity loss seems much less a risk in view of our great live rock.

In chamber two, make sure your temp probe batteries stay fresh. I put a backup LCD strip on the back side of my tank. Use a gravel siphon to do some cleanup if you placed LR rubble in here.

In chamber three, don't forget that the pump requires monthly maintenance. The impeller may need cleaning. Some people have put a sock over the intake if they have detritus getting into the pump. I have the sieve/screen that came with the Maxijet.


As long as you have a good cleanup crew, there shouldn't be much to do for your substrate. Some people try a light gravel vac but, seems not to work very well for obvious reasons.


This build up of salt on the edge of the tank can be wiped clean with a damp cloth. NEVER USE CHEMICALS OR A CONTAMINATED RAG.


Algae may have to be scraped from the tank walls. The MagFloat works well. If you have other areas of algae building up...check your cleanup crew roster and see if you need any more or different players.


Don't forget to have replacement lights available around the six month period. CPF bulbs begin to lose some lighting power at this point.


This is your call depending on how your tank runs and how your nitrates are. Obviously, more frequently in the beginning is better until you know that you keep getting '0's all the time. Don't forget s.g. And, finally:

Deadly Nitrates, What Do I Do?

In general, zero tolerance for nitrates. SW inverts and fish just don't do well with them...in fact..it's poison. If you start turning up nitrates, you'd better look into it and quickly.

Possible Sources

1) Poor tank maintenance
2) Lapse of/infrequent water changes
3) Overfeeding
4) Overstocking
5) Someone's dead
6) Nitrate 'traps'


1) Immediate water change. If you are using filtered tap water (which isn't the best option), check it for nitrates. You may want to switch to distilled or RO. Pure water is still the best and the absence of phosphates may also reduce the chance of an algae bloom.
2) Examine your feeding habits....reduce feeding
3) If you used the ceramic beads and/or bioballs, clean them in aquarium water or discontinue them altogether. Siphon out the live rubble chamber
4) Clean that sponge. Consider cutting it in half, or discontinuing it or switching it out.
5) Consider adding a refugium with macroalgae to help with nitrates in the tank
6) Return any overstocked livestock to your lfs...they should take them back and its the most humane thing to do.
Thanks Sammy Dee....one of your posts sent me over to the other website, so, take some credit. SH
Just want to say thanks to Parker 313. The post and pix of your tank are the direct reason my tank is up and running (and my garage smells like seawater) and to trekbear for picking me up, dusting me off and pointing me in the right direction again (lol).....and...to all the people here at TFF for nothing but supportive PM's and posts. SH

I also must congratulate you Steelheelr on this thread. its a very well constructed and well researched topic.
I must clarify though that people reading this thread must be aware that the ideas and theories here are for a Nano reef only. They are run and maintained in very different ways to larger tanks. so anyone please reading this remember for what sized tank Steelheelr is writing this for.

Keep up the great work my freind. you are doing a great job.
Thanks Navarre...I'll edit the first page and make sure that there is a 'nano disclaimer'. LOLOL SH

Done...noted on the first page. SH

For anyone still new and following, a partial cleanup crew was added today. The crew is added after algae shows up. Not the greatest pix, but, here is a 'before and after' shot after one week of cycling. Stats: pH 7.9, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 0, two partial water changes, 15% and 10%.


AFTER..note the diatoms/algae now starting to cover the sand. Also see if you can see some coralline algae in the pic.


Cleanup Crew added:

5 astrea snails
5 nassarius snails
2 scarlet hermits
2 blue leg hermits
extra shells, lol
I wanted an emerald crab but they were out.

What is fascinating is that , when placed in the tank, the hermits immediately started to go to work. They pick up individual grains of sand and clean it. As you watch, small circles of white open up around them and they REALLY DO clean it up. It's amazing.

Refugium started:

In the back middle chamber, I added Halimeda macroalgae:


Tomorrow, I'll rig up the submersible light and we'll see if it survives. SH
I love watching the hermits clean the sand :wub:

Lookin' good!!! :thumbs: B)

I hope you don't mind me posting here but i was wonderng about the bristle worm that is pictured in this thread, i have read varying reports about bristle worms being ok in the tank and have just found one in my nano that i am currently setting up are they ok or is it best to trap them and remove them?

Again sorry for hijacking the thread!!

Many Thanks in advance
Hi Shell....I'd observe for now. Apparently, the attitude towards bristle worms is changing. Supposedly, they are excellent detritus removers. They can get long tho'. Many are now saying to leave them alone unless they cause a problem and I"ve seen this in several reliable books. Let me know what you decide and keep me posted..and..don't hesitate to come back and post. This thread is for ALL of us starting out anew. SH

LR Turning White

Again, for those still following, I've started to note areas of my LR turning white. It looks almost as if someone caked on flour. I'll try and take a pic of this tomorrow. According to what is posted here, this is 'die off' of coralline algae. Review of posts say the following:
1) this is normal when cycling uncured LR.
2) it is related to coralline algae not used to the light intensity.
3) this may be a Ca2+ or alkalinity problem

Remedies posted included:
1) check calcium and alkalinity parameters
2) ride it out, that die off is expected and that the algae will come back.
3) decrease lighting and/or reduce the actinic component for awhile
4) dose with kalkwasser

I will check these two parameters...they were satisfactory at the start of the cycle and I wouldn't understand why the Ca2+ would drop. Unless there is something drastically wrong, I don't think that adding chemicals right now is the way to go.

Refugium Mod Up and Running

..my refugium modification is now in place and running. I'll post back on this with the two main points of interest:
1) Will it process nitrates (ie, keep nitrates at 0)
2) Will the macroalgae (Halimeda) survive with this type of light. SH

Yes, algae will survive with that light. It looks very yellow, and algae mostly needs the light at that end of the spectrum so you'd probably do better with that than with say a 10,000k.
A note on bristleworms...
Most of the common bristleworms found in your liverock are harmless. They have rasping mouths and not suckers or teeth etc. Thismakes it quite impossible for a worm to catch a fish unless its dead or extremly weak and dieing. Yes they can get big and if you are every unlucky enough to have a bristleworm reach 7ft long (extremly rare i might add) then their appetite grows accordingly. This means they look to other foods such as corals etc. Most bristlworms wont eat corals as tehre is easier food to be found in the tank when they are of a good sustainable size. Unfortunately bristleworms are often seen munching on dead fish in the mornings when th elights go on and people wrongly assume that the worm caught hte fish. This is not true usually and it just goes to prove just highly efficient these worm are at cleaningup. IMO probably the best cleanup crew you have in the tank (and they are free and easily bred!)

As far as the macro algae is concerned. I have lots of this in my sump. Many people confuse its colour changing with it crashing. This also is not always true. This algae does turn white occasionaly. Usually during dark periods or shaded areas. Once the lights are turned on or the algae is moved into lighter locations it rapidly regains it colour over a period of anhour or so. I just thought i would mention it just in case people come downstairs and see their lovely algae has gone white and they rip it out and throw it away when its perfectly healthly.
Hi well i hope the bristle worm in our tank doesn't grow to 7ft otherwise we're in trouble!!

Well i think that we'll leave the wee man in there and just keep an eye on him, if he does getr too big then we'll have to think again!

i've only seen him once and we have had the tank running with LR in for only 5 days now - i'll keep the camera near by to get some pics!!


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