some progress...drilled the two holes in the fuge side of the sump that will dump into the return pump tank, and also put the baffles in...if they dont work ill have to yank em out and try again, ive never experimented with baffles before
also put in an order for the 48x48 bottom glass piece, and the top glass braces today with the glass shop, also gave my dimensions to the plastic shop for a custom 3 sided black acrylic overflow box with teeth. it will sit in the center back and feed dual 1.5" durso drains. the box dimensions are 16" long, 8" deep and 19.75" tall.
today i found a local cabinet shop with stacks of returned cabinet doors collecting dust for real cheap. after some rummaging i picked out two of them for $20 and installed one on either side of the stand..doesnt look like much yet but next comes staining..also made some headway on the canopy.
I dont think anyone has mentioned this and you dont often hear the topic come up, but beyond the fact of having the skill and time to do these massive custom tank set-up, i dont even wanna begin to think about the money you have invested. You must have a good job or no life... Just joking.. sorry
But seriously, wow.... i wanna do a small 30G reef with some small zoanthbfjdbn (dont remember how to spell) colonies but I'm already overwhelmed at the cost of that.... plug in the cost of custom glass and acrylic work your doing plus LR and stocking... wow... im impressed on that fact
i picked up the glass and the new acrylic overflow box today..DAMN that bottom piece is heavy and DAMN that overflow box is will get the job done. i just put the first coat of black paint on the outside of the back glass i shall get situated and drill the holes in the bottom glass for the drains! id give you guys some pictures but my girlfriend has the camera. maybe later tonight or tommorow.
just crossed the hardest part of this build....FINDING ROOM! had to clear out the back patio to lay the glass down but its done and the holes are drilled. more nervous then ever with $150 sheet of glass under a loud drill! but they turned out perfect. also wanted to boast about how great painting the back glass black turned out. it looked ugly on the painted side but when i flipped it over it was reccomend that method to everyone! i wish i had time to assemble tonight but it will have to wait until tommorow...
got the chance to throw the bottom glass onto the stand and set the overflow box in its future resting's some pics i snapped..the overflow box is a monster, had to make it big to allow enough drainage, as well as to house the dual 1.5" dursos. it was custom built by a local shop, i paid $56
also...i think i might have to build the tank on the stand inside the house! its so huge that i dont want to risk breaking it trying to get it into the house if i build it on the patio or garage. it would take a few people to move, and we'd have to flip it on its side to get it through the door. i know it would be a risk but im pretty confident in the tanks i build, plus we have tile if anything would go wrong. id just have to open up the house because those silicone fumes are NASTY...thoughts?