1Ft Nano Tank Build

Looks really nice - looks so much bigger than it really is, too!
Thank you :) 
The endlers have learnt i bring food lol they swarm when i go near the tank, so pretty
Feed us!! c:
Such a gorgeous tank, I bet they have lots of fun going through the plants.
Updated pic - the tank does need a few leaves trimmed lol
Looking lovely as per usual :)
Looks great.  Nice job.  I really like the layout.
Update: Just went to feed the Endlers and what do i see, fry, quite a few fry too. 
Congratulations!! :D Are they big enough to get pics yet? Are you going to separate or leave them be?
They will stay in there, Endlers don't tend to eat their young. :)
I'll try for pics, but they are small as lol
This tank is destined to be decommissioned in the near future. The endlers are moving to another tank
Yea my endlers never touch the endler babies, they actually kinda school together haha

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