1Ft Nano Tank Build

Yeah was going to DIY substrate (more suited to larger tanks i think), will be doing that later to a different tank. decided to try out flourite as it was on sale :)
Tank is in and cleaned, just waiting on the substrate and we are good to go!
Substrate should be here tomorrow, am now waiting on some more plants, which i also hope will arrive tomorrow :)
Yeah its a bit feral in this household at the minute :)
The substrate and additive arrived today, wont get to it til later today at the least. But the build is certainly getting closer!
Ended up using a different tank, mainly because the 1ft cube would need some modification to fit the canister, and i figured its easier and quicker to just pull the other tank. I'm over waiting to get this rolling!
So tank has had substrate added and some hardscape, i will have to give the wood a few hours to re-waterlog (i pulled em from the 4ft yesterday arvo, and due to hot weather here they dried a bit more than i wanted, so floating a little bit). Once the wood can be placed properly, the planting will begin.
Flourite looks great, but even very slow and careful filling, it clouds the tanks up bad, so little canister is running and will see how it does!
Have planted a bit, but tank is too cloudy, so will just have to wait to finish :(
no worries.. i am a patient man Alasse. haha.. anw, too bad the cube tank didnt work out..
Soooo finally we have a pic, it is not brilliant, i really need to get a light for this tank. I just put a temp light over it to take the pic.

the tank is approx 8.9gal (less with substrate and decor)

*still drooling*

*cant stop drooling*

Alasse, that is brilliant. At least I think so. Wonderful job!
What is bothering you about it?
Thanks guys :)
Nothing is bothering me, i would like a decent light for it though. But that wont happen for a few weeks. Used my fishkeeping quota for quite a few weeks lol
Derp me. You were meaning the pic isn't brilliant, not the tank, huh? :lol:
Looking forward to when you can get some good lights for it!

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