1Ft Nano Tank Build

I am going to get 2 pairs of tiger endlers for this tank and some cherry shrimp
Another beautiful tank! A mass of anubias can look so effective.
Is that crypt parva at the front? I've never had much luck with c. parva.
What kind of java fern did you get?
Thank you :)
Wendtii i think it is, it will eventually outgrow this tank
Java fern is just the standard one
Nah not Wendtii - I meant the small foreground plants, I thought it looked like crypt parva, the smallest crypt.
The crypt in the forground, the small one is definately crypt wendtii, i do not have any different crypt types here
:blink:  Never seen wendtii so small or with leaves so tapered and narrow.  I'd have staked money on that being parva!
It wont stay small, they will need to move out into a bigger tank at some stage.
These are brown wendtii. The bigger ones are in the planted 2.6ft i have
Update:Tank is now heated (50W) and I have a desklamp over it for light.
Updated pic

Tank is now home to Cherry shrimp and 2x pairs of Tiger Endlers
One of the males
Yep tank is beautiful, love the endlers too!
Very pretty endler! And the tank still looks lovely!
Another pair of tiger endlers added today
did you order them? im falling in love with them... :)
No i got them from a local breeder, they are just beautiful

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