180 Gallon Tank

Ninjouzata said:
I changed my mind. Gimme the buet! :wub: Everyone is so gorgeous though. The gourami breathe from the surface just like bettas do so that may be it.
They could also be trying to make bubbles? Keep an eye on them just in case :)
The 180 looks like a ton of fun to feed. Blood worm rain!
Are ghost shrimp hopping on the bichirs heads in the second vid? Around 0:18. :p
Haha yea I agree they're all awesome. Yea that's what I was thinking but the three spot gourmais I had never did this, I also like that they all get along.

Yea they ALL love they're bloodworms! The ghost shrimp may have haha I can't tell but I know the shrimps really aren't scared they just slowly move away as the bichirs try to eat them haha I have yet to see anyone catch one. The eels probably had a feast last night though.
Alright so new arrivals, here are my new moke (top) and palmas palmas (bottom) they almost formed yin and yang! lol

These are 3 teugs and you can see one thats darker i think its just older than the others,

And finally a decent photo of mr L114!
Heres my new moke.




[SIZE=10.5pt]This is my palmas palmas as well. He seems to be a big bully, but maybe his aggression will linger when the other 10 bichirs are in the tank.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Heres my nandus nandus, do you see what looks like 2 gill plates? The first one is how far back its jaw is, when it opens its really cool.[/SIZE]

Heres my jurupari, i was really trying to get some cool shots haha




One of my angels. Hes quite green in this one.

Heres my dominant geophagus red head tapajos


Heres the red severum.
Heres the videos, i little shaky my apologies.
Tiny little gif i made of one of my nandus nandus :D
Awesome! He's like NOM! :3
I like all the pics. I have been eyeing up a 265 Gallon tank at the LFS. My bank account says no.
CSnyder00 said:
I like all the pics. I have been eyeing up a 265 Gallon tank at the LFS. My bank account says no.
Thanks, maybe try saving up? Big tanks have a lot of potential whether it's oddball or community they are very unique.
Love your tank and the pics!  Thanks for sharing, I enjoy reading your journal.
ericNH said:
Love your tank and the pics!  Thanks for sharing, I enjoy reading your journal.
Thank you! Means a lot, I hoped people would enjoy seeing some uncommon fish haha

I have a polypterus weeksii coming in that maxes out at around 26" and a polypterus ornatipinnis that maxes out about the same size.
Heres the weeksii


The ornate has gained a lot of weight jut over night.



New aquarium vids in HD!
Heres one of my nandus nebulous.


Heres one of peacock eels. They are so spastic haha

Two of my teugs, i believe they are the same age, but as you can see how much one eats affect how much they grow.

My delhezi bichirs are slowly losing their black coloration on their body :( O well it was bound to happen as they mature haha

I had to move my elephant nose to the 55 gallon so it can get bloodworms without them al disappearing in seconds, not sure why hes feeling comfortable out in the open though?






Severum to end it.
Heres the new baby gars, i just got 4 in, and will soon be getting 2 gymnothroax polyurandon, one orangish and one yellowish. So heres the new gars, fish seem to always look cool in a home depot bucket haha




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