180 Gallon Tank

sawickib said:
no more posts? 
Sorry ive been a bit pre-occupied.
Ceerix said:
Hope your tank gets back to its former glory soon, really enjoyed those pics. That was certainly some fishkeeping skill to have all those good and going for a while.
Thanks, im trying to get it back there

Heres some new photos that i could get and i was semi ok with. I cant get good shots anymore, idk why, i cant even take videos with the darn thing...




Heres some of my gars.

Heres their food

I thought this was a cool shot.

some cool gars 
Ninjouzata said:
So sorry about that huge loss

The last pic looks so sparkly! Really loving the eels
Thanks ninj, i really miss all my big bichirs and not being able to feed them all my left over fish anymore :( but life goes on.
The eels keep fighting and im not sure why, one of them looks to be on the brink of death :( These eels are causing a lot of problems, i ended up moving them all to my 180 gallon and 2 arent eating, and then the one thats looking really bad was just moved yesterday because he was by himself in the 55 gallon and kept swimming into my filters so i eventually moved him to the 180 aswell. 
Goggy said:

no more posts? 
Sorry ive been a bit pre-occupied.
Ceerix said:
Hope your tank gets back to its former glory soon, really enjoyed those pics. That was certainly some fishkeeping skill to have all those good and going for a while.
Thanks, im trying to get it back there

Heres some new photos that i could get and i was semi ok with. I cant get good shots anymore, idk why, i cant even take videos with the darn thing...
Heres some of my gars.
Heres their food

I thought this was a cool shot.
some cool gars 


Thanks, they are growing quickly.
I'm sorry about your tank, and your sick eels. I just wanted to say that I'm enjoying your posts, and that your tanks are beautiful. Keep posting!
So finally got a video of the tank, sorry about the sound i couldnt figure out how to just mute it so i put a little sound in there haha
HAW!!!! SO BEAUTIFULL what a nice L25! I AM SO JEALOUS!!!!!!
 also love that freshwater Gymnothorax!
Goggy said:
HAW!!!! SO BEAUTIFULL what a nice L25! I AM SO JEALOUS!!!!!!
 also love that freshwater Gymnothorax!
Thanks, they are my favorites at this point and time.
Had to let the common go, unfortunately he was fighting with my L025 and im not having that in my tank. Beautiful specimen though.

Little sneak peak at my baby turtles that will eventually be moving into my 180 gallon.
The devil in his lair.

And the tank as it stands right now.
Got a lot of photos today haha, excuse the background color please, ive decided to start using flash to make it easier to take photos.
Heres the geophagus winemilleri, i really need to get some more, seems a bit lonely being the only one in the tank.


I have 3 of the red heads left so i believe they are doing fine, this is the new alpha since my previous alpha died from the flood.


This is the jurupari pair haha doing quite well really love these guy's spots.


The gars have moved in the tank now, since my previous 55 gallon is now a SW tank, sorry for the poor lighting.

The L-025 7 pointed, comes out more and more lately, some times he just freaks out though haha, once again sorry about the algae on this one, i need to scrub it lol


One of my eels came out for something besides eating lol



And last but not least! The really shy turtles! They will be living in the 180 once they are large enough.

Some pretty high definition shot i managed to get when moving my 7 polypterus tuegelsi and 2 polypterus delhezi to the 180 gallon. I think they could have stayed in the 75 gallon a bit longer but it looks like they didnt have enough room so i just moved them anyway.

Delhezi close ups, many different colors than just grey. 


Now some of the tuegs, lots of tans and brown colors.



Beautiful tank. U must haven big ca honeys to be picking that plec up with your bare hands ! I'm 6ft 1, 16 stone and squeeled like a big girl trying to catch mine in a net ! Ha ha ha. Keep the updates coming :)
PlumbersMerchant said:
Beautiful tank. U must haven big ca honeys to be picking that plec up with your bare hands ! I'm 6ft 1, 16 stone and squeeled like a big girl trying to catch mine in a net ! Ha ha ha. Keep the updates coming
Haha thanks its not that bad lol he just wiggled around a bit.
A little update though, one of my delhezis jumped out of the tank and dried up while i was gone, i found him while he was still a bit damp
i only have two 3/4" holes in the back and the water level is about 3" low, this is the 4th fish ive had jump out and idk how! Its so frustrating and heartbreaking. 
Heartbreaking and expensive I guess. All my LFS are little self run ones except for pets at home. None of them have anything remotely rare. Where do you get your fish ? Have you ever bought them online ? I remember trying to stock my tank with the exact species I wanted. I rang up all the fish shops within 10 miles and asked if they could get them for me and not one returned my call :(
PlumbersMerchant said:
Heartbreaking and expensive I guess. All my LFS are little self run ones except for pets at home. None of them have anything remotely rare. Where do you get your fish ? Have you ever bought them online ? I remember trying to stock my tank with the exact species I wanted. I rang up all the fish shops within 10 miles and asked if they could get them for me and not one returned my call
Heartbreaking but not necessarily expensive, I bought my 2 delhezi bichirs when they were 3" and raised them to the size they are now, they were 12$ each at the time, took a few months of rearing to get them where they are now, they had excellent patterns as well, o well nothing i can do. It seems all the bad things that can happen to me will happen. I buy most of my fish online because most local places dont have them in stock like ever. A lot of my bichirs, now dead bless them, came straight from africa, to a dealer called Jurassic Aquatics and Aquatic Daycare, JA is now not in business though. Although buying online is very expensive it and shipping can run anywhere from 15-75$. 

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