180 Gallon Tank

So heres some more of my polypterus weeksii trying to catch some ghost shrimp



The new angel pair is making themselves at home quite easily




Did he ever catch the shrimp? :lol: The angels are gorgeous!
Thanks! Yea I think I saw him catch one while I was watching him haha he's still a newbie at catching them though.
those angels look gorgeous! like sta isabela crosses?
Im not really sure what they are, but their elongated bottom fins are a very cool blue and one of the angels has freckels haha
Ok so new arrivals will be coming soon!

4 ~ geophagus red head tapajos
4 ~ geophagus winemilleri
1 ~ p. palmas palmas
1 ~ polypterus retropinnis
2 ~ p. palmas buettikoferi
1 ~ L114
Alright so some new photos
Heres the two baby red heads




Beautiful little guys
The eel is in acclimation, o yea i forgot to add that up there woops haha
Some more of the jurupari, "How do you do?

The geos are just stunning, can't wait to see them when they get big! Ooh :wub: was the eel poking it's nose out of the water? I just love the way their faces look from above.
I cant either!!!! Yea he was poking his head outta the water haha it was pretty cute, ill make sure to get some of him in the tank tomorrow.
Lovin' the pics. Lookin' forward to seeing the eel in the tank. How are the plants faring?
Wow i just noticed i deleted like all my photos cuz i was deleting all the doubles :( the plants are trying to survive the geos, lol
So heres some of the ones i accidentally deleted, more pics of the new arrivals coming soon, sadly i lost my palmas palmas and L114 during shipping.



Thanks! Heres some more photos! The retropinnis is being a scaredy pants atm



Right now its been challenging to get photos of all the new guys :/



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