12L Micro Tank

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Thanks atti - I would never have these little ones in with a betta again - I think that's why I lost 2 of them. He went into Jaws mode prowling round the bottom of the tank. He was ok with amanos cos they are 4 times the size of these baby ones and could jump away if their paths crossed. I think these weren't big enough to jump - at least not far enough to get out of harm's way.
I'm doing a water change today ahead of tomorrow's arrival of 3 more of these lovely shrimp. Hope the one I have now is happier with some company and doesn't feel like his territory has been invaded! It will be interesting to see if they are the same size or not.
Will update with pictures when I can.
You've made me do it... I too have ordered some blue jelly shrimp and it's all your fault!
We'll have to compare notes/pics once they arrive. Is it the phantom ones you're getting?
Sorry, fm! Mea culpa! lol
Yes it is the blue phantoms I'm getting - I'm wondering if they are probably the same variety as blue jelly - maybe just given different names by different breeders. Who knows!?
Will you do a separate thread on them? You can share this one if you like - I don't mind.
Ooo, latin, I'm impressed!
I believe the phantoms should be much more blue than the normal blue jelly ones but when they come in, which will be tomorrow I think, I'll post a wee pic to compare to yours! I don't want to hijack your already extensive thread.
I'm getting them from a different place and he's giving me 2 extra free, yay! I'm getting some pearl white ones as well, they were on special, £1.99 each...couldn't resist it! Chances are if they cross they'll dull the blue colour right down but I really don't care. I love them all!
Good luck with yours, really looking forward to seeing some deep blue shrimpies!
I'm wondering if they have to have special food to maintain/enhance their colour. Read an article on Naturose Natural Astaxanthin on Planet Invert website and it's supposed to make red shrimp redder and blue shrimp bluer etc. However the author found that his yellow shrimp actually turned green! They reverted to yellow after stopping the stuff for a few weeks.
Not sure whether it counts as a dye or if it's ethical or not, but if they get to adulthood and are still the same pale blue I might look into sourcing some.
Hmm, interesting...never heard of that stuff before. I've seen various products on the site I use for health and colour etc but not that stuff.
It does appear to be totally natural...http://www.naturose.com/index.html
It sure would be worth a try, however, it seems like a temporary measure to me. If the Yellows turned from Green back to Yellow so quickly it doesn't seem like it would have any lasting effect and it would also then stand to reason that the offspring may not be affected i.e. brighter colours with each generation., which is what you'd really be hoping for.
Just a thought and I'd be happy to be corrected!  
Yes it does look like a temporary measure or at least only evident whilst adding the Naturose. Will see how they turn out as adults before deciding. Another factor will be the quantity you have to buy and the cost.
Well, you can buy it first and see how you get on... 
Mamashack said:
Yes it is the blue phantoms I'm getting - I'm wondering if they are probably the same variety as blue jelly - maybe just given different names by different breeders. Who knows!?
My local MA has both blue Jelly and something they call 'Blue Fantasy' in stock, priced £6 and £10 respectively.  Sounds a bit pricey but I think I might pop over tomorrow to check them out.
That sounds better than getting them in the post - at least then you can chose which ones you actually get to some extent.
They do sound a bit top-heavy in price tho!
Well the little lovelies arrived at 7.15am and I was still in my jimjams  (ok I was still asleep!) First drop off of the day and there were 3!!!

I have a good feeling about these as they were very active in the acclimation bucket whereas the first lot only 1 was active in the bucket and I'm wondering if that's the 1 that survives. This time the pH and temperature were pretty much identical with a 0.1° difference in temperature so they went in the tank more or less straight away whereas the first lot took 2½hrs to match the pH. They are exploring their new home - haven't seen the original 1 yet this morning - probably still asleep at this hour! The new ones are a similar size to the original now so maybe they are from the same batch/brood (what is the collective term for shrimp siblings? lol)
No pictures yet as it's still lights out in that area, but hopefully there will be some later!
Scuse me whilst I go feed the dogs and then drool over my new little babies!
Have just been watching them and I think the new ones might be females and original a male. He has a flatter higher belly and they have quite rounded ones. Poor chap - all alone for weeks and now suddenly he has a harem! He'll be exhausted! lol
Cool, sounding very good! Lookin' forward to pics.
£6.00 seems a lot for blue jelly and I can't imagine what a £10 Blue Fantasy would look like. Get pics, please!!! :)

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