AN UPDATE!!! (I know, its been SO long.)
I've set up the 10 gallon tank, and its cycled. I'll still be keeping a close eye on the ammonia anyway for a week.
Here the 4 bloodfins are checking out the new digs. (This is about 20 minutes after they were added to the tank.)

They will stay in this tank for 7 days. Assuming that they survive that week, which they SHOULD, then I will move them to the bigger tank (after a FULL water change, of course).
I've got BBA in the big tank now... I think from lack of CO2. I've removed the extra aeration, and added a half-dose of liquid carbon to the tank. Hopefully that will help.
Fingers crossed everyone!
(Incidentally, I've used this EXACT 10 gallon tank set-up with a neon tetra - it was being used as a hospital tank for an injury single "pop-eye". The neon stayed in there for two weeks - without improvement, or without getting worse, so I put him back in the main tank, as he seemed stressed and lonely. He's still going strong 6 months later, and the pop-eye in nearly completely back to normal, except that he appears to be blind in that eye now. Still swims around with the shoal of neons well and eats well - never ate in the QT that I had noticed - hence the "depression" diagnosis I gave him and why I put him back in the main tank. He ate immediately when he rejoined his shoal.)
I've set up the 10 gallon tank, and its cycled. I'll still be keeping a close eye on the ammonia anyway for a week.
Here the 4 bloodfins are checking out the new digs. (This is about 20 minutes after they were added to the tank.)

They will stay in this tank for 7 days. Assuming that they survive that week, which they SHOULD, then I will move them to the bigger tank (after a FULL water change, of course).
I've got BBA in the big tank now... I think from lack of CO2. I've removed the extra aeration, and added a half-dose of liquid carbon to the tank. Hopefully that will help.
Fingers crossed everyone!
(Incidentally, I've used this EXACT 10 gallon tank set-up with a neon tetra - it was being used as a hospital tank for an injury single "pop-eye". The neon stayed in there for two weeks - without improvement, or without getting worse, so I put him back in the main tank, as he seemed stressed and lonely. He's still going strong 6 months later, and the pop-eye in nearly completely back to normal, except that he appears to be blind in that eye now. Still swims around with the shoal of neons well and eats well - never ate in the QT that I had noticed - hence the "depression" diagnosis I gave him and why I put him back in the main tank. He ate immediately when he rejoined his shoal.)