110 Gallon South American Biotope

Lost two of the guppies.  :(   Glass cover is coming very soon...
Exactly my thoughts when I found the body...  The other two look better - these two seemed a bit 'off', since they came.  One of them laid on the bottom of the tank periodically, until I came over and then it swam away as if nothing was going on.  Then the other kept trying to squeeze behind the suction cup clamp for the powerhead.  I couldn't find it for the longest time, and then I happened to see it popping out of there.  Then it kept going back and getting behind there again.
That's unreal. Sorry for your loss.
Is the tank still with no cover at the moment?
Half covered... 
Hope you get that sorted with the full cover.
What sort of chemicals can do this so badly?

I'd be firing the cleaning crew
 just kidding.
I don't know.  But, you know how you want to steer clear of all surfactants and your tank....
We are working on getting the glass cover for the full tank... the wheels of change take time to turn!  I've spoken with the maintenance department... they can cut the glass to the size I need - I just need to get the requisition ok'd from above.  I'm thinking of setting up a 10 gallon (with a hood) right next to it (which has a full cover) and see how the next batch does in there.  I'll QT the next batch of fish in there - and we shall see what happens... 
That's a great idea Eagles.
Those corys are a tough bunch though :)
I think I might try QTing the whole next lot, then only putting half in the big tank to see what, if anything, happens differently.
Yup... We shall see.  Hopefully we've got it sorted and just need to get the glass to cover the top... if not - I might just throw the whole thing out the window (after removing the tough cories of course).
Would you throw it through my window please

I'll fetch the corys too

That's nothing compared to the troubles I have with my 5f tank. I can't even put fish in it yet and it's been setup since beginning of February..Tomorrow is another day...
Sorry to hear this Eagles.  Let's hope the rest of the cover does it for you.  Crossin my fingers...

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