10g Planted Tank Journal - 5/2 - Small Update

That's what I figured. Just gotta wit till I get everything now.
The substrate came it! It's Flourish. And I'm rinsing it now... I'll post pics when it's in.
Ok, it's in, but the water is EXTREMELY cloudy. I can't see my hand when it's an inch away from the front. I crammed a few extra biobags in there, even though they didn't really fit ( :blink: ) and I guess it'll take awile before you see any pics. Sorry. :blush:
It cleared, but I smoothed it out and it got cloudy again. It clears pretty fast, though, I got some pics for everyone.
Before the rock when back in:


After the rock went back in:



I also experimented with different positionings of the rock, but I still think this one is the best. Tomarrow I think I'll be getting more of the items I ordered, and the plants should be here sometime between Tuesday and Thursday next week.

I'm a little bit worried about putting corydoras in this tank because the substrate is a bit harsh now. It's pretty light, though. Any input?
They won't live as long in gravel as it wears down their barbels preventing them from finding food as easy. Also sand lets them display their playful nature more as they like to dig, I would suggest you not get them and get a different catfish.

Tank looks pretty good, the gravel should make the plants stick out more.

For ten gallon your limited, oto's? If you got cories you would be more limited to the fish you were able to get also since they perfer minimum of 3 but it's better to have 6. You could get shrimp instead, there are some awesome shrimp available and you can get more since they don't produce too much waste and certain type eat algae :good:

Nope, can't have any inverebrates, otherwise I would. My PH is 6.1 and I have lots of copper in my tap water... it sucks. :angry:
Well oto's is all I can think of now, check planetcatfish. You don't need a catfish, is there a reason you want one? You could just get a algae magnet scraper if you want one for algae.

I think that wouldn't be wise
6 of those at 6" each=18"
oto's 1.5" each=6"

way over stocked, you could possibly get some rubberlip/rubbernose/pleco whatever their called by you

I'm so stupid sometimes... lol. Darn, I really want some kind of catfish. I think maybe I'll get panda cories, and if it looks like they are suffering then I'll move them to my 30g with the other pandas. And for other fish, I really liked hatchet fish. I could get 3 of those, 3 panda cories, and a school of flame tetras.

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