Well, any suggestions then? I don't want the usual fish like cardinal tetras or something. Something a little bit different. I really want glass cats, but they get too big, so... yea. And I've run out of ideas.
Personally i dont like bettas but its your tank! In my 40l aquacube ive got ember tetras and mountain minnows and some ottos. I had never really took much notice of mountain minnows before but they have probably the nicest markings i have seen on any tropical fish! Cheap as chips too, really active and eat like pigs.
I don't think mountain minnows will feel comfortable in the 10g. I've heard they are very active, and need a current. I'm interested in Flame Tetras though. Are they the same thing as ember tetras?
I don't really like glowlights. I've never had them before, but I've seent ehm and I don't get why everybody likes them so much. Personal tast, I guess. Ok, I've been looking on aquabid and they have a few really nice bettas, so I think that's what I'm gonna get. A nice crowntail. I haven't had a betta in a while, so it'll be nice. Plus a few otos and cories.
CT's are nice, I just got one recently too since I haven't had one in awhile. Make sure you put in the oto's before the betta, less likely the betta will attack them then.