10g Planted Tank Journal - 5/2 - Small Update

Well, any suggestions then? I don't want the usual fish like cardinal tetras or something. Something a little bit different. I really want glass cats, but they get too big, so... yea. And I've run out of ideas.
What about halfbeaks or goodieds, don't really know anything about them but they aren't the normal fish? just a suggestion

Nah. I'm thinking of going back to one of my first ideas. 6 Harlequin Rasboras, 3 Cories, and 4 otos.
How, does it have sharp edges? If you think it would hurt a betta I would be afraid it would hurt the oto's they would probably suck on it.
It's just the edges mainly. I don't think it'll hurt it. And I think an ottos mouth is too small to be able to get hurt by it.
I can't decide though. I'm betweeen a betta, black neon tetras, and harlequin rasboras.
Personally i dont like bettas but its your tank! In my 40l aquacube ive got ember tetras and mountain minnows and some ottos. I had never really took much notice of mountain minnows before but they have probably the nicest markings i have seen on any tropical fish! Cheap as chips too, really active and eat like pigs.
I don't think mountain minnows will feel comfortable in the 10g. I've heard they are very active, and need a current. I'm interested in Flame Tetras though. Are they the same thing as ember tetras?
I don't really like glowlights. I've never had them before, but I've seent ehm and I don't get why everybody likes them so much. Personal tast, I guess. Ok, I've been looking on aquabid and they have a few really nice bettas, so I think that's what I'm gonna get. A nice crowntail. I haven't had a betta in a while, so it'll be nice. Plus a few otos and cories.
CT's are nice, I just got one recently too since I haven't had one in awhile. Make sure you put in the oto's before the betta, less likely the betta will attack them then.
I was planning to. I need to look at the other types of bettas though. I've only seen a few types, I know there's more. *goes to look*

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