10g Planted Tank Journal - 5/2 - Small Update

Okay, MAJOR upgrade! I found a rock. A big one. And I put it in the tank (after washing it a lot). It displaced about 3 gallons of water. Now I won't get as many plants, but I'll definately get plants that will attack to rocks. I'm kind of afraid it'll put something into the water, or lower the PH or something but it shouldn't be too big of a deal, right? Here's a pic. The water's a bit cloudy cause I stirred up the gravel but I put another filter in.

:grr: My water is already super hard. Like, off the charts. I guess more won't hurt. Do you think it looks good?
Also, they are selling four leaf clovers. Will they really grow underwater? :hyper:

BTW, it's clear now :shifty::)
It would look cool if you could get a small piece of slate and make the point in the front left corner into a cave with moss growing on it.

Okay, I took a rock with moss from my 30g to see what it would look like. Here's some pics.





I don't think I like it. I put the rock back in my 30g. But I might get some for the 10g. I dunno.

Also, I've decided on stocking. It is going to be a little overstocked :blush: But I am overfiltering, too, and I think it'll be alright. Here's what I've decided on.
10 Black Neon Tetras (see, already overstocked)
1 Dwarf Gourami
3 Panda Cories
3 Otocinclus (is that how you spell it?)

All of these fish are pretty low waste producers.
I might not have the dwarf gourami, but I need a centerpiece...
The more the better, they like company, I have four in both my tanks and they like being together.

Okay, 4 then.

I might order the plants today. If I do, it'll take about 12 days for them to get here.
I have to get oral surgery in half an hour though... depends how I feel after that. :/

How do you like the cave?
It's ok, can't really tell until the plants arrive.


P.S. haha I just had oral surgery too, had a wisdom tooth, second molar, and impacted molar removed. Was supposed to have the other two wisdom teeth removed but they ran out of annestisa. What you having done?
Two of my baby teeth were coming in sideways. I had to get a chain pt on them or something and when they tighten my braces they have to pull it down too. It hurts a lot.

I'm ordering plants now.
They should be here in 10-14 days. I got:

1 Corkscrew Vallis
1 Anubias Nana
3 Dwarf Hairgrass
2 Moss Balls
2 Hornwort
1 Baby Tears
1 Lutea Crypt
1 Stargrass
1 Didiplis Diandra

for $52 including $11 shipping.
Hmmm. couldn't get hornwort at your lfs?

My sister had that done to her teeth too, everytime she goes to the orthodontist which is every month they would pull them down, wasn't too bad for her though she was in some pain. It won't keep you from the fish though, I have numbness and tingling from the impacted molar being wrapped in nerve that's painful and I'm still at it. :good:


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