10g Planted Tank Journal - 5/2 - Small Update

Will CO2 lower my PH?Out of the tap, my PH is 6.4. If it's lowered any more then it can't be good for most fish.
Well, I have about $66 saved up and that'll probably be spent on the lighting and I think my mom will pay for the CO2 thing cause it's only $20. She'll probably buy most of the fish and plants too, but I'm not sure because she said I'd have to wait until after Christmas until I buy ANYTHING which makes me think she's getting me something for fish.
What do you think about the fish?

Why not have 1.5WPG? There is nothing wrong with keeping it simple, especially for your first time and limiting yourself to Low-light plants. There are many beautiful scapes that are done with 1.5WPG or less. There is no need then to worry about CO2, extra ferts, and you can create a similar layout to what you want using low-light plants. Change your bulb to a good bulb with around a 6700K color temperature, add a good reflector, add some rootabs to the substrate, or invest in a nice plant substrate, and you'll be off. You'll be able to grow almost any plant on this list below.


Not that the above suggestions aren't good, they're great. I just wanted to let you know that it is possible to have a proper planted tank without all the expensive gadgets and gizmos that are out now. It's an older way of doing things, but it's worked for a long time. Make sure that your gravel is fine-grain, 1-3mm tops, the plants will root much better, though I also have had excellent growth with just regular natural aquarium gravel. I enjoy the lack of worry in my Low-light, non-CO2 tanks, and some of my tanks aren't any less structured than some of the high-tech people here. If you do decide to invest in lighting, try for something with a dual fixture. It'll give you the option of going low-tech at first and then upgrading to high-tech when you have more experience under your belt. Coralife makes a dual 18W with two switches that may suit your needs well.

Good luck to you,

I really want to have a more high tech setup, and don't really mind spending the extra money. I understand why you suggested a low tech setup to me, but I think I'd rather have better lighting and CO2 now.

BTW, I forgot to mention that I am cloning my tank. I am also buying the rest of the equimptment and most of the plants tomarrow. I'll post pictures when the orders come in (with my new Kodak EasyShare Z650! :hyper: Thanks, Santa!).
Yes, I saw that. That site also has the lighting I want. The site aquariumguys.com has Nutrafin CO2 for $17, and the same lighting for $10 less, so I'm buying from there.
Ok wasn't sure if you saw the co2 since you didn't say before, did you check bigals, they usually have cheap prices though you might have already ordered, I don't know.

Ok, as you saw, I'm buying the substrate, but I already have 10lbs of fine gravel in there. Should I take out the gravel and only put the Flourite in there? I think it would look better than a mix, and I would have a thinner layer, which is good. If I DO mix it in, then I'd have 25lbs of gravel in a 10g, which seems like a lot to me. Here's a pic of the gravel I have now:

What will I need test kits for?
???General Hardness???
???Carbonate Hardness???
What is the difference between the last two? Will I need all of these? How do I test for CO2?

Lots of questions, lol :blush:
O another kid doing a planted tank. Did you see this http://www.drsfostersmith.com/Product/Prod...p;N=2004+113779 can't wait to see pics.

Lij, so 6700K type bulbs are the best?


Not necessarily. This is the point where it gets subjective, and I have heard many different opinions. Plants will grow well from between 5000k-10000k or even perhaps more or less. To me, 6700 represents a nice color balance for the eye and falls well within the range. Anything less looks too yellow, anything more looks way to blue. I also like full spectrum daylight bulbs, but the spare 10000k I have in my 36g is an eyesore. Way too bright and the wood is washed out. Another bulb I like is 6500k.

Your gravel looks very good N3ont3tra, I think it is actually the same kind I use. Is it made by Topfin?

I would get test kits for:

pH (both low end and high end)
Carbonate hardness (kH)
General hardness (gH)

Iron and Calcium are optional and IMO not really necessary. The Iron test is especially inaccurate. Aquarium pharmaceuticals makes all of the above test kits and a Master test kit set that contains most of the tests that you'll need and the price is very reasonable at an online vendor. You can use the results from the kH test and the pH test to find your CO2 levels, but that method is inaccurate and only good for a ballpark level. There are other methods that are far more accurate, but I keep low-light tanks where knowing my CO2 levels are not essential so I never bothered studying the new methods.
N3ont3tra your probably going to ask this but where do you get gH and kH test kits? O would co2 help in a tank with only .66wpg

From what I've learned, the little amouint of light won't grow mych other than algae, and I don't think CO2 is needed for tanks with less than 3 wpg. I'm buying my test kits from aquariumguys.com.

Actually, I just bought it. It should be here in a few days hopefully. I don't know when I can buy the plants. But I spent $150 today, including shipping.
From what I've learned, the little amouint of light won't grow mych other than algae, and I don't think CO2 is needed for tanks with less than 3 wpg. I'm buying my test kits from aquariumguys.com.

Actually, I just bought it. It should be here in a few days hopefully. I don't know when I can buy the plants. But I spent $150 today, including shipping.

I'm assuming that you're talking about a tank that is less than 10g? Otherwise, over 3WPG would most definitely require CO2 injection, and even 10g is in the cusp. Even for tanks with over 2WPG, CO2 is a must, especially if they are larger than 20g. I had my 10g with 3WPG and injected CO2, but my 8g doesn't require it.

I would buy plants only when you've set everything up, lights, CO2, substrate, etc. I'd even run the CO2 with lights out before you buy the plants.


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