glad to see your doing ok
if I may, what was your first ray? and what size was he? im interested in getting one
I sort of started off at the higher end of rays back in the 90s before everyone had internet so hard to get much info on them
I started off with leopoldi which was £125 which was a lot of money back them
Looking back the leopoldi grow to big for the 6x2x2 I kept it in
A very small ray is scobina but they are very hard to find
Marble motoro stay fairly small but make sure it's a real marble as normal motoro can grow to 36" disk
Rays are not hard to take care of as long as you buy a healthy ray that's feeding well
Captive bred rays do 100 x better than wild caught
That's awesome, I am in the process of building a 237 gallon tank. It will be my first large tank and I would live to see some unique fish in there and rays were the first on my mind.