1000 Us Gal Project

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FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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glad to see your doing ok
if I may, what was your first ray? and what size was he? im interested in getting one
I sort of started off at the higher end of rays back in the 90s before everyone had internet so hard to get much info on them
I started off with leopoldi which was £125 which was a lot of money back them
Looking back the leopoldi grow to big for the 6x2x2 I kept it in

A very small ray is scobina but they are very hard to find

Marble motoro stay fairly small but make sure it's a real marble as normal motoro can grow to 36" disk

Rays are not hard to take care of as long as you buy a healthy ray that's feeding well

Captive bred rays do 100 x better than wild caught
That's awesome, I am in the process of building a 237 gallon tank. It will be my first large tank and I would live to see some unique fish in there and rays were the first on my mind.
id have a argument I purpose every night and say im sleeping in the shed !!!!!!!!
well impressed

ment to say id have a argument everynight on purpose
T1K, I would first like to ask how is your health that is the most important thing?

Now onto the fish, Ive just finished reading the whole of this thread from page 1 - 49 and its been so fun to read and watch the videos.

Such an amazing thing you have created and you must be pleased with yourself.

I have got to say my Mrs was slightly gutted when we found out you had to sell the turtle lol

Please keep up the good work and keep this thread going! I am looking forward to seeing your tank and fish in the fish keeping magazine.

That's for asking about health it's all good I walk about fine now on robot legs

4 years now this tank has been running with not 1 water change by hand

I still love every part of the hobby
Thats good to hear mate :)

Any chance of a latest video?

Will you let us know what month your tank will be in the keeping magazine please?
whats the running cost of this beast? i remember reading about a guy near me in nottingham who had a massive tank and he had to shut it down due to a 5000 electric bill!
Oy! Amazing as usual :) Love the aro, he's quite the stunner!
This is about the most resent picture

Can't help but love seeing tinfoil barbs kept in a proper tank.  Wish this picture was next to their tank at the LFS.
Staxx said:
whats the running cost of this beast? i remember reading about a guy near me in nottingham who had a massive tank and he had to shut it down due to a 5000 electric bill!

Yes it's cost a bit to run

In the summer with no heaters on it cost about £30 per week now buy the time you add other things in like food and other bits to run the tank is probably £55-£60 per week

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