1000 Us Gal Project

The February FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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See I go away for a few years and I missed this post in it's entirety! Looks bloody excellent :D
Next to the garden, a perfect watering system.
Great work! Thanks for all the posting! AMAZING!! I love the rays!
It's been a long time since I posted so a little update

I got this male pearl ray a few months back he has grown real well in my pup tank and will be joining the big boys soon

Also practical fish keeping came to do a visit last Friday and it will be in the mag in 2-4 months
I look forward to seeing more pictures. As ever, a wonderful tank.
wow amazing setup!
That Aro and turtle look great !
The turtle is long gone

It was a good idea but fish and turtles don't mix

It only went well for about 5-6 months them he started nipping at the rays so he had to go which was a shame as Fly River turtles are getting very rare now

The only reason I tried the turtle was I was thinking they had so much space they could keep out of each other's way but that wasn't the case
Unfortunately, animals just don't do that.
I missed the turtle! What page is he on would love to see the picture!
Supraman said:
glad to see your doing ok :) 
if I may, what was your first ray? and what size was he? im interested in getting one
I sort of started off at the higher end of rays back in the 90s before everyone had internet so hard to get much info on them
I started off with leopoldi which was £125 which was a lot of money back them
Looking back the leopoldi grow to big for the 6x2x2 I kept it in

A very small ray is scobina but they are very hard to find

Marble motoro stay fairly small but make sure it's a real marble as normal motoro can grow to 36" disk

Rays are not hard to take care of as long as you buy a healthy ray that's feeding well

Captive bred rays do 100 x better than wild caught
Glad to hear that all is good with the giantquarium :) Any newly added fish? Any old fish that's no longer there?
I showed almost the entire thread to my 6 yo daughter today. She was amazed, I still need to convince her that we can NOT replicate this project in our balcony

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