100 Litre Cloudy Tank

Any new additions to the tank? Over stocking can cause cloady tank but wudnt all of a sudden start unless a fair few fish were newly introduced. As for adding hot water doubt it wud be that, unless boiling water was added but I don't think anyones that stupid lol even then it wud clear within hours I wud think. How long has it been cloady for?

She added 5 guppies and 3 ghost glass cats 4 days ago but it was cloudy before then.
i thort that when i did it and at night it was same so i asked my bro and e sed do 50% water change and it worked brill for me.
Gavin's tank has been cloady for a while. Hot water is naturally more cloudy. But after a few days it shud certainly settle. I cant c it being that tbh. Has she tried doing water changes Gavin?
no i wont let her. I do all the changes on both our tanks. My tank in the bedroom isnt cloudy but the juwel i have seems to have a better filter with more stages
How long has it been cloudy for? How often are water changes done? Have you fed any live or dried foods such as blood worm? HAve you done anything different jus b4 u got clouddy water?
Interesting you say that. I treat them with blood worm or daphnia once a week.

its been cloudy for maybe 2-3 weeks.

But i still feed the tank upstairs with the same and thats fine. Could it be a bad filter? Poor Filtration
Yh but my bet wud b the blood worm, Daphnia. What fish are in there? How Many? Does all the blood worm, Daphnia get eaten? Is is frozen or dried?
its frozen and it definatly gets eaten.

she has 10 guppies.
2 balloon mollies.
3 ghost glass cats
2 bristlenoses
5 neon tetras
5 danios
2 dwarf gouramis

That was all recommended to suit eachother by our local fish shop.
i put it in a 25ml measuring cup one that comes with the medicines. and add tank water. leave for a minute or so and then add to the tank. never thaw it out fully
I wud suggest thawing it out completely 1st, doubt this is the problem tho. Howmany litres is the tank

sry it says 100 L. How often do u add fish?
She leaves it atleast a week inbetween adding fish.

i just do the water changes for her. its her tank and my local fish shop will advise her on anything else. :crazy:
I wud say there are too many fish in the tank considering its only 100L. You cud get away with it but the filter isn't the greatest. I wud suggest buying another filter external if u can afford it. That shud get rid of the cloudyness. I had a mate with a cloudy tank he had quite a few fish. Upgraded his filter and it went clear.

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