10 Gallon Endler & Shrimp Tank

Update time.
Have closed down my nano high tech tank, so I moved the 10 gal tank from the kitchen to the stand where the nano tank was.
Now, am beginning to wonder if i can use the LED lights i had on the nano high tech for the 10 gal?
But the LED will be on a glass shelf above the tank, about 40cm / 16 inches above the tank as i want to keep the tank as low tech (ish)

Quite bright in the tank itself as well, 

Perhaps stick with the 11w arcadia light unit had previously?
Or even with the 9w or 18w aqua one light unit ?
Want to stay low tech really with this, although thinking am going to add co2 to this tank as well, since all plants benefit from co2. But do not want high tech lights or EI ferts, just tropica premium ferts.
Suggestions welcome

Almost forgot, i got a new Marina HOB of this, a S15 which is a bigger one to the one currently have S10, is in the post ! Can't wait !  
Beautiful tank! I can't wait to have a tank dedicated to my fine shrimp lol
Xzavier247 said:
Beautiful tank! I can't wait to have a tank dedicated to my fine shrimp lol
Thanks Xzavier :)
Also considering getting some CRS as well, so another addition may be made, although i need to check if RCS will cross breed with CRS.....
Ch4rlie said:
Beautiful tank! I can't wait to have a tank dedicated to my fine shrimp lol
Thanks Xzavier :)
Also considering getting some CRS as well, so another addition may be made, although i need to check if RCS will cross breed with CRS.....
They shouldn't they're a different breed I believe. Plus before all of mine died they did well and they coexistence were fine. I lost due to my whole canister filter change :(
Ch4rlie the tank looks wonderful! Can't wait to see some possible new shrimps :D
Xzavier really sorry for your loss :(
Ninjouzata said:
Ch4rlie the tank looks wonderful! Can't wait to see some possible new shrimps

Xzavier really sorry for your loss
Its alright, The next batch will be awesome. I bought some low grade CRS. Now on to the higher grade. Everything is setup now. I have about 100+ Cherries and now I need some candy canes in there haha
Upgraded the Hob and moved filter to the right side of tank.
Removed powerhead, move plants to left side of tank, added more gravel, removed 2 pieces of bogwood, trimmed plants.
Looks good imho :)

Up to date pic of inside tank.

Have upgraded the Marina HOB filter, from S10 to S15, more powerful and holds more filter media. 
Have added more filter floss as well, filter intake from left.
Looks nice!
If you're still looking for salvinia natans I have more than I know what to do with now 
daizeUK said:
Looks nice!
If you're still looking for salvinia natans I have more than I know what to do with now 
Oh, yes please! :)
I asked a member on this forum in classified section, have had no response at all. Ah well.
Would be eternally grateful if this could be arranged, and am more than willing to pay for this as well as post & packing of course.
Send me a PM if you're happy with that.
Thank you :)

Silvinia Natans arrived today 

to DaizeUK
Shrimps already all over the roots of the silvinia and loooove the photo above
with the endler looking straight at ya
It looks so pretty! Daize is the best :D Love the endler pic too.
Cute shrimp!  Some of those leaves are looking a bit brownish, you might need to discard those before they rot.  Those ones might have been too overcrowded in my tub and then finished off in the post.
Don't let it take over your tank ;)
daizeUK said:
Cute shrimp!  Some of those leaves are looking a bit brownish, you might need to discard those before they rot.  Those ones might have been too overcrowded in my tub and then finished off in the post.
Don't let it take over your tank
Yep, already have taken out the browning leaves ones.
I have kept silvinia before so will take out some every water change and keep the nice ones in tank :)
Good tips though.
Time for a little update, found tiny little bits of bba is starting to form, think this may be more to do with not enough ferts and leaving lights on during water changes. 
So have upped the fert dosage by one pump, am using Tropica Premium btw.
Also lowered LED lighting to 2 LED instead of full 6 LEDS.
AND finally, decided to try amano shrimps in this tank, trying 2 to start off with, got fairly young amanos, about half to 3/4 inch long.
Sorry, not the best pics, taken with iPhone!
Acclimatising in LFS bag in tank and one of my endlers HAD to be in the photo!

Happy in tank already and foraging

IMG_1328.jpg    IMG_1331.jpg
Hopefully they will do fine and in 2 weeks time, if all ok, I'll get another 2 perhaps then thats it for this tank imho.
awesome very lovely :D i do like amano's but i prefer smaller shrimp :) amano's just look creep being so big :p haha

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