Just a small update, really a bit of infer for those who want to know more about what media to fit into filters.
Here you will see the Marina HOB filter.
On left is two pieces of sponge media crammed in,
In middle is small piece of sponge media on bottom, in middle is media bag filled with ceramic noodle media, and on top of that is another piece of sponge media, all of which came from another tank filter with mature media, makes for fast cycling of a tank
On right, is empty, this where water enters the filter via the powerhead with sponge attached.
I do a maintenance clean on this filter every 2 or 3 weeks, depend on flow output of water, just a squeeze of half the sponge media in old tank water and return to filter, then i clean the water intake pipe and propeller, these help to maintain good water flow into filter as well as output into the tank.
I use these media rather than the stuff that came in the box,
The reason why i don't use these cartridges, is these are, imo, not as effective as sponge media and ceramic media.
And for those of you who DO use this stuff, do not replace every so often as stated on the pocket, bacteria will be fine to grow on these cartridges so don't replace them, just leave and gently clean half at a time in old tank water.
Hope that helps those who are wondering about this sort of thing about filters.