1 gallon jar saltwater


Passionate about fish and their care
Tank of the Month 🏆
Pet of the Month 🎖️
Oct 9, 2019
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So I'm gonna go to the beach and going to put sand and rocks, maybe some sort of small thing if I can find it. I'm going to keep an eye on it and see if in a few weeks any little critters emerge. Suggestions?

@Salty&Onion I'm copying you!
Well we're about to leave for the beach.... I'm taking an extra gallon or two for future water changes since we dont go too often. I'm lucky today because it's my dads birthday and he wanted to go
Soon! I got some little shrimp. And a teeny limpet. We just got home and are about to have dinner but after that! So excited haha. My family thinks in insane
OK I dont have pics yet....but I can list off some of the things I got! 1 little teeny limpet. About 6 tiny shrimp. They were mating so I know they wont get any bigger. About the size of a small peice of gravel.
A weird little orange thing only like a millimeter long(its attached to a peice of shell)
A little squirmy think, almost like a hydra but way smaller, probably some sort of anemone thing

And sand and algae and seaweed
Ummm so I accidentally got a crab in the handfuls of sand 1 got.... it's one of the ones that stays small like only 1 inch but what do I do? I could take it back but its like an hour drive. Will he eat the shrimp? What do I feed him? Help! @Colin_T

Edit: do I need to have the water level lower so he can get out of the water if he needs to?
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Family has decided the crabs name is Oops. I believe it is the type that stay under 1 inch. Hes about the size of my thumbnail including his legs. Sorry the pictures are blurry. The first 2 are the tiny shrimp and the others are Oops
The shrimp look like theyre a type of scud. Fun little things. There are freshwater ones too.

Dont know much about the crab though. Probably will enjoy eating the same things most crabs would eat...
Yep :) I see the shrimp mating so hopefully they'll reproduce and it can feed the crab. If not I'll just have to convince the parentals to make the drive again
Sounds good! (Make sure it’s legal first. ;))
Pfft, bugger legal. If the ranger hassles you, whack him on the noggin and chuck him in the ocean for the sharks.

The 6 shrimp are Gammaris and will eat anything organic, dead or live plants, bits of fish food, dead fish, etc.

The crab will eat anything too.

The sea lettuce (light green leafy weed) will die and rot and cause ammonia problems unless it gets lots of light and didn't suffer any major heat stress while travelling home. It also needs to be attached to rocks otherwise it is just a dead leaf.

No idea what the other things are that you described. If you can post clear pictures of them we will have more chance of identifying them.

You're going to struggle with such a small volume of water, especially without a filter. Remove most of the loose seaweed. Put 1 fish food flake in once a week. Monitor the ammonia levels because any ammonia will be really toxic in seawater, which has a pH of 8.5.

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