
  1. Vspeck23

    Cabomba Cuttings Re-Potting Help & Tips

    Hi all ! ive had my tank setup for over a month n a half now i think... Anyways i have 6 barbs and a cabomba plant in a little clay pot and i got it from the aquarium when i got my tiger barbs as i new they like that plant...    So they have been nipping it and eating it like normal and brushing...
  2. M

    Glowlight Tetra Breeding

    Hi I have 7 Glowlights in one tank and there is one Glowlight who seems to be pregnant and I am led to believe this as the fish has a larger stomach then the others and looks like all the others pictures of pregnant Glowlights on Google images. So I have noticed the fishes appearance like this...
  3. M

    Fish To Put Together

    Hi i'm Alex and i got a 40 L tank about 6 months ago and I just love looking after fish and just watching the tank. I have 2 Golden balloon rams, 3 Glowlight tetras, 2 Penguin tetras , 4 red eye tetras and one guppy and a snail. I have got another 70 L tank that  I am going to use as a nursery...
  4. P

    Oto Cats Not Eating Algae Wafers

    hello fish people,   I have been a fish keeper around a year and algae growth started to i decided to buy some oto cats to eat the algae. I bought them several weeks ago but they wont touh the algae or even attempt to eat the algae wafers. I never see it eat but it still alive so i...
  5. K

    Help With My Platy Please

    My Platy just started spinning around. I moved him over to the breeding tank so I can keep an eye on him. I can’t see any issue with him physically and apart from the spinning he is acting normal. I bought him from Pets at Home just over a month ago. I have a few other Platies and a pleco and...
  6. H

    Moved My Fish To A New Tank! Need Help!

    Okay, so firstly Hi, my name is Hamza, I'm from the UK and am rather new to the hobby (and this site).   and I want to apologise for having such a long post, I just really don't want any fish to die.   I have just finished my 1st year of university, and liked the idea of getting a fish tank to...
  7. ArsenalFan11

    Creating A Aquascape. Need Help!

    Hi,     Creating an aquascape and i need help on how to design it, what plants to get and the basic layout of the tank for the wood and plants.   I currently have:   3 Clown Loaches 1 Guppy 5 Neon Tetra 1 Bristlenose Catfish   Also what other fish could i get? Its a 60lt tank.   Thanks
  8. greengoddess

    Tropical Fish Recommendations?

    Hi guys,   My poor fancy goldfish passed away yesterday after 5 years :-(   Anyway, he was the last cold water fish in my tank so I now have the opportunity to stock tropical fish for the first time. I would like some recommendations for some easy to care for fish that are amazing to look at...
  9. P

    Help With New Set Up

    Hello I'm new here to the forums and I would like a bit of expert help on my new tropical set up ;) I have a 60 litre tank that is all ready to go it's in the middle of being cycled now and I have about 2 weeks to go before I can add any fish safely and I was wondering what amount of fish I can...
  10. Fionn_McCumhaill

    Can Anyone Identify This Freshwater Tropical Fish?

    Hi to All... I'm trying to identify this freshwater tropical fish that was recently given to me as a gift. The fish is young, slightly reflective, approx 1 inch long but may grow to 2 inches in length and will develope a striking orange stripe from tip to tail. My friend said that the petshop...
  11. B

    What Kind Of Fish Is This?

    I bought these 4 fish to give to my friend but now I'm keeping them. There's two tiger barbs and two other fish that idk. I have a 1 gallon and they get along but today I'm going to pet smart to buy a $15 ten gallon. Ik tiger barbs need at least 20 gallon now after purchasing, but ten is the...
  12. M

    Marina 60L Tank 3 Month Into Hobby

    Hi everyone   I'm new to this site and found that i want to share my experience as a Tropical Fish keeper.   i've a marina 60l tank and ive been set up for around 3 months. although i'm happy with my set up i can't help but feel i want more live plants in my aquarium. i dont have substrate...
  13. S

    New Larger Fish?

    Hi i have a 500 ltr tropical aquarium i am wanting to add some more larger and interesting fish to it but i already have fish in there that i moved in from my old tank so im not sure which fish will be safe to go in. any help appreciated   in my tank i have...   *Synodontis Eupterus (squeeker)...
  14. tonjelunde

    Hiding Guppy?

    So, my male guppy has been hiding under my rock cave thing for about 1-2 hours. I have had him for about 7 months and him and his guppy friend have always been the most healthy (at least I think so) and active ones, always swimming around. I did a 25% water change yesterday, which they usually...
  15. Y

    70 Gallon Corner Tank+Outdoor Plankton Tank

    Hello everyone :) this is our new journal following our updated upgraded tank we moved all our fish and such from our 45 gallon bow which will be used to house a Merauke Island Blue Tongue and a Red eyed Crocodile Skink probably turned into a double layer tank with some diy shelving added in but...
  16. A

    New To Tropical Fish

    I have a new tropical tank which we set up last weekend and have 4 guppies in it.   Now the issue i have is that 2 of the guppies are female and are pregnant. What is the best way to handle this?   As its such a new tank it has not cycled yet and so will the introduction of the fry be harmful?  ...
  17. N

    Rainbow Shark Temp Help

    Hello,   I went to the pet store to get a fish today. I am a new fish owner and the man was helpful as far as food when it came to the fish I chose (rainbow shark), but he failed to tell me that he was a tropical fish. I know he needs a heater now that I have been doing research on him. my...
  18. ArsenalFan11

    Is This Sunset Platy Pregnant?

    Currently in a hatchery, been in tank for around a month and a half, rarely comes out. Definitely female. Please help! Any suggestions and questions are welcome!  
  19. ashcole1989

    95L Freshwater Tropical Tank

    Hello all and welcome to my journal and documentation of my tropical aquarium experience! So around a month or so ago a friend of mine got himself a nano tank, and after seeing it and helping out with some research I got the bug; I wanted my own tank. As a kid I kept a very small tank in my...
  20. tomh1232

    Hi Im New To This Forum ! :)

    Well where to start.  I suppose a short introduction would be suitable. Hi my names Tom i am 21 years old and have been addicted to nature since i was very young i live in Birmingham city *uk* and i have recently become addicted to fish it started with tadpoles then frogs and we have a pond so...
  21. mrstwalker

    Death Bed Platy?! :(

    My beautiful sunset/wagtail platy is at wits end..    I came home from an all day outing to find my male platy drained of color (black tail now white/ faded on body) and hovering near the top of the tank.  i believe i spotted some ich on his mouth, so my husband and i tested the pH...
  22. mrstwalker

    Buddah Zen Garden - 10Gal

    Just wanted to share my 10 gallon Buddah Zen Garden tank, this will be a tetra community tank. My first tank in awhile and Im super pleased with it! Tell me what you think :) Just got done with my cycling process and will be adding fish soon!
  23. mrstwalker

    Tanks And Paradise?!

    My interests are Tetra tanks, breeding tanks ect. I love community tanks! My new loves are the Bala Shark!    I am a huge fan of Betta Splendens!    My husband and I travel to Key West often to snorkel (why I named this post Tanks and Paradise)   Visit my page to learn about my fish and tanks!
  24. allydawn17

    50 Gallon Tank Stocking?

    Hi! I am getting a 50 gallon tank very soon and I'm wondering if this stocking is alright?  tank dimensions: 48 1/4"L x 12 3/4"W x 20"H filters: Tetra whisper EX70, Tetra Whisper 10-30i   8x Panda Cory 1x peppermint pleco 2x german blue ram 1x angelfish* 6x cherry barbs 2x honey gourami 3x...
  25. T

    Bacterial Disease In Tank?

    Hi,   I am hoping I may be able to get some help.   I have had a problem in my tank for a while seems to never go away. I have had fish deaths and currently have 4 tetras and male Beta that seem to be having some trouble (the beta seemed to have fin rot when I got him - I didn't...
  26. Kabernick30

    Stocking/gourami Question

    I have a 26 gallon community tank with 4 danios, and a dwarf spotted pleco. Im looking to get a school of fish, and a centerpiece fish like a honey gourami or 3 spot opaline gourami Does anyone have any recommendations for a school of fish and whether a singular gourami would be too aggressive...
  27. B

    Betta Fry Advice.

    Hi guys just a quick one.   Ive now bred 2 lines of bettas, 2weeks and 4 weeks old. Now my question is when will they grow?! lol silly question i know bt its my 1st time with bettas. my 4 week old fry obviously bigger than 2 week old but yet still they are about the size of day old guppy fry...
  28. B

    Female All Red Delta Guppy Fry

    Hi guys just a quick one. Got some new stock about 6 months ago including a trio of all red big tailed guppies, v nice. Now ive let em too it 2 times now (the trio is young less than a year old) and ive got 2 batchs of fry about 50 in total. They are 4 weeks and 8 weeks old respec.   Now my...
  29. J

    Can't Keep Nitrate Level Down

    I wannt to keep my nitrate low but it comes out the tap around 20-25ppm which I know is fine for my fish as they have been alive for several years but recently wanted to breed my fish and I know nitrate over 20ppm kills most of the fry of as I have been told unless this is untrue, I was...
  30. J

    Rainbow Cichlid Eggs!

    My first set of eggs after 2 weeks first time breeding rainbow cichlids any advice that would help me be more successful? Breeding pair.
  31. B

    Upgrading - Cool Fish To Add?

    Hi everyone, this is my first post here.    I have a 30Gal tropical tank and will be upgrading to a 50Gal corner tank in a few weeks. Super excited! I am looking for some advice about interesting and peaceful fish I could add. I was thinking of adding a few larger fish to mix with my smaller...
  32. J

    Do You Need A Light Constantly On When Breeding?

    Just wondering do you need a source of light contantly when breeding rainbow cichlids as how will the male fertilise the eggs in the dark when he can't see? Or can they see in the dark? Just wanted to know as I have a breeding pair and don't know whether to switch the light of in the night or...
  33. J

    My Fish

    Some of my fish
  34. J

    Golden Sevrum

  35. J

    Gold Sevrum Male And Female?

    Are these male and fema just want to make sure. The one I think is male. The one I thinks female.
  36. C

    Are These Piranha Eggs?

    Recently my tropical "Cory" fish had been laying eggs on the glass of my tank but as I looked at the tank for more I noticed a different type of egg on the stones. The Cory was laying multiple eggs but the other eggs are single clear eggs, we have piranhas in the same tank as the Cory fish and...
  37. R

    How Much To Feed?

    So I have a tank with two not-yet-full-grown angelfish, a goldfish, 6 neon tetras, a bottom feeder and a snail. How much should I be feeding them everyday? I'm just not sure. 
  38. rpgmomma8404

    Need Advice About Goldfish

    I bought a 29 gallon tank from someone last night. They had two goldfish in the tank but they completely drained the tank of water and took out their old media (threw it away probably). I've had these goldfish in a container in my kitchen since last night. I have a air pump with a bubble stone...
  39. J

    New Tank Project - Advice?

    Hello everyone! I am new to this forum, so please excuse me if I have reposted this question or posted in the wrong forum! I have recently purchased a 370L tank (approx. 100 gallons) and I'd like to set it up as a tropical tank. I currently have another tropical tank (70L) with a single Black...
  40. Kabernick30

    Stocking Question

    I have a 26 gallon tank with driftwood and a few live plants   i currently have.. 1 albino cory catfish 2 platies 1swordtail 1  black phantom tetra   can i add a school of cherry barbs and an angelfish?   im looking to transition to a semi aggressive tank