
  1. Dopatri

    Was my guppy fish suffering from a disease?

    Hi, I’m wondering if I can have some opinions on what really happened to my female guppy! I bought her 3 days ago from a fish store and was told she was carrying, and would give birth to fry soon. However, upon observing her for the past two days I must say I was wondering whether she really was...
  2. JamieTYV


    Hello! Fingers crossed someone can help... I have a large, established tank with a variety of fish, my parameters have been good and stable for a long time... 6 x peppered corys 1 x Male Betta 6 x Female Bettas 6 x Glass Catfish 1 x Female BN Pleco Recently I introduced a Male BN Pleco in the...
  3. S

    What’s wrong with my endler guppy?

    I noticed at the weekend it was swimming close to the surface and not really moving around, the stomach seems very bloated and it’s swimming really strangely. I also noticed a few red marks on the tail, i can’t tell if it’s been ripped or whether it’s red spot? I tried my best to take some...
  4. A

    Free fish -Chelmsford, Essex

    Hi all, can’t seem to log into my main account (Ava_Banana), however I’m shutting down my “thin” tank and have a last few fish that need a new home: these are FREE: no charge, but all to go together. 1 x Golden Bristlenose 3.5 inches 1 x Red-finned shark 4 inches 1 x Clown Loach 3.5 inches 1...
  5. Moopoo


    Just wanted to say hi.. I have 2 goldfish called rocky and Robyn and a variety of tropical including a aquactic frog called bert!... I've never had a frog before so loving this wee man.. ? Rocky is a miracle fish as when my son looked after him through different issues with tank and various...
  6. S

    HELP PLEASE. Fish staying at surface.

    Hi all. I’m new to the fish keeping hobby, I’m from uk. We bought a 40L tank from a pet shop, cleaned tank, gravel and plastic plants etc, installed filter and heater set at (25 degrees Celsius)that came with the tank, filled tank to the water level marked on the filter, we added tapsafe and...
  7. psicadet

    Very hard water - How to soften?

    Hi everyone, I've been in the hobby for about 9 months now and currently have 3 tropical tanks. (I'm not sure if I'm in the right area of the forum.) I live in a place with very hard water (~20DKH, 8.5PH) and though the fish and shrimp are fine, my trouble is that I get some unappealing, thick...
  8. A

    Rock advice

    Hi everyone, I need a bit of advice please. I currently have a 125L tank running tropical and I love rocks and all things natural. A friend of mine has just downsized his marine tank and has some really good sized rock he wants to give me. Would i be able to put them in my tank? I dont mind...
  9. S

    Red Cherry Shrimp - Beginner who doesn't want them to breed

    Hi All I have a Nano tank (21 litre/5 gallon) which I've had many challenges with previously, which, due to tragedy, is now empty again. I've decided to give myself a fair number of months to sit down and put together everything I've learned so far, but also carry out more research knowing...
  10. Falconwithaboxon


    Hello I have been on this forum for a couple of months and just felt sharing my tank! I started it the 2nd week of August and it is my first tank, 29 gallons. My plans for it are to just get a few more plants in it and start a 2nd bigger tank by May. Any opinions or advice is appreciated...
  11. D

    Is my fish pregnant

    Is my fish pregnant, she says away from the males, eats hardly anything, hides, doesn’t do much swimming, lives with three males (1male platy and 2 Male guppies) and unknown sex of Otocinclus
  12. S

    Beginner - Lighting, CO2 and not knowing what I don't know

    Hi Everyone! I'm pretty new to the forum - I posted once before to ask for help on my 21 Litre Nano, because every time I did a water change, my nitrites would go up! I've actually had to break down the tank and nearly gave up on it (and the hobby) altogether - but here I am. I started having...
  13. Eziofezio

    Eziofezio thanks you for being accepted.

    Hiya! Hope I shall be communicating with many of you shortly, I have 2 tanks and a pond; the 4gallon soon to be 12 has 2 endlers, a few shrimp and snails. My 26 gallon has 8 Neón tetra, 5 rummy nose tetra, 5 mollies, 2 Mexican dwarf lobsters, plenty of snails and 2 platty. Instead my outdoors...
  14. G

    Name that fish??

    Any ideas on this beauty?? 4" tip to tail.
  15. JamieTYV

    What is causing my plant to disintegrate?

    Hi all, Long time lurker here, finally joined up! I have 3 tanks (2 X tropical and one cold water). One of my tropical tanks is semi-planted (mixture of live and silk plants - seems to keep my Betta happy!) But recently one of my plants has started to "disintegrate" (but only on one leaf so...
  16. C

    Pregnant orange molly fish, black fry?

    Hi, First post on here so apologies if I've done anything wrong... So, I have 4 female Mollies in my tank. The orange Molly is the one who is more obviously pregnant but the fry are black - is this normal or is there a chance that 1 of the other mollies has given birth to them? Another thing...
  17. K

    Baby fry...need advice!

    Hi all! My mickey mouse platy has birthed her fry this morning. I could probably see around 15 to 20 fry in the birthing net, and wasn't sure she was done yet. I've come to check on her progress and I think I only see about 10 maybe less? So I was worried she was eating them so I've popped her...
  18. Anjoy Kumar Roy

    Hi from a new entrant

    I am Anjoy residing presently in Pune, Western India since the last 10 years in course of job. I started keeping fish since 1974 when I was eight years of age and my Dad arranged for an aquarium and the first members to inhabit were 6 zebras (Danio Rerios) and a pair of Black Mollies. The...
  19. 3

    New 40 gallon tank (Community tank)

    Hey, so i am trying to create a community tank in my new 40 gallon tank i am up for suggestions and help... So in my 40 gallon tank i am wanting to inhabit it with 2 angel fish, 6 honey Gourami, Neon Tetras 10-15, 5 Cory catfish and a few bristlenose is this going to work is their going to be an...
  20. K

    What's up with my molly?

    Can anyone suggest what might be up with my dalmatian molly? She has been lying down here like this pretty much all day. Did come up to feed. Other fish in tank fine. Water parameters normal.
  21. D

    New tropical fish tank aquarium- Aqua One Oakstyle 230L

    Good morning, I am brand new to keeping tropical fish and am just setting up my tank. I have bought the Aqua One Oakstyle 230L which comes with a Aqua One Ocellaris 850 filter and Aqua One 300W heater and LED light. I am hoping to have a planted aquarium but with plants where I don’t need extra...
  22. K

    Fluval filter for tropical fish?!?!

    Hi guys. It’s just a query really, we have a 160L tank for our tropical fish & currently have a fluval u3 filter in place. We have 24 small tropical fish in there at the mo. We were thinking of swapping it for a fluval u4 filter, although we’re worried it may be too strong for our guppies. Any...
  23. T

    White fluff on plants and decorations

    Hi, I’m still pretty new to the aquarium hobby. I have a 70L (18 gallon) tank that’s been running for 4 weeks. I was a told by my local fish store to do a fish in cycle (a mistake I have since found out) so I am currently nearing the end of that (I think). Recently there has been a load of...
  24. PygmyMitch

    48l Tropical Aquarium

    After having my aquarium set up for some time now, Yesterday I decided to make my first purchase of tropical fish for my 48 litre tank. I decided to go for a school of 10, neon tetras!
  25. PygmyMitch

    48 litre Betta Tank

    Hi guys, this is my 48 litre tank which I have been Setting up for a while. I plan for this tank to be home to a male Betta fish, and a small school of fish, and maybe some shrimp or snails. There are currently no fish in the tank, but I do have 4 Echindorous Bleheri, plants and some Salvinia...
  26. omarmillan

    Can you help me identify this fish?

    Hello, I'm pretty new in this forum as you can see. I decided registering because I have this one fish I cannot identify. I have a 30gal tank with some corys, a G. aymonieri and an unknown fish that I bought thinking it was a Silver Flying Fox, but it doesn't look like one actually . The man...
  27. T

    Check out my outdoor Molly pond! Plant filtered only.

    Hi I just wanted to share a fun project I’ve been working on for the last few months. I have a 90 gallon outdoor pond with heater, bubblers... and no mechanical filter. I started it in July 2019 and all my fish are happy and thriving. The water is clear and fresh. I have various colored...
  28. G

    New to fish keeping need help

    Hello I have never had a fish tank before and am starting out with tropical freshwater I was looking at buying the fluval roma 200 and was just wondering if anyones knows if that is a good set up and if not what is the best set up
  29. ukdamon

    My Soggy Friends

    Hi guys I have a personal website and blog My Soggy Friends My YouTube Channel is YouTube Channel
  30. D

    North Wales Aquatics Club

    I have seen several suggestions around forums and pages suggesting an aquatics club. However, apart from pages on a well known social platform, have not found any physical clubs. So I am here to say that I will be setting up an aquatics club for North Wales. I am in talks with several clubs...
  31. K

    Amano shrimp acting strange

    Hi! Have had my tropical tank for 6 months now. I keep amanos in here as well as a few fish. I have noticed tonight that he is acting really strange. He shed his shell this morning but he is sort of lay around twitching and lying on his side/back. Is he going to die? ☹☹ he will get up every...
  32. R

    Help, is my guppies stressed or?

    Hi everyone. 3 females, 2 pregnant & 7 males, all guppies. My guppies been acting strange since morning. Usually they are super active but since morning, I noticed that they are not swimming around & instead just wiggling their tails & hiding behind. Can it be stress due to environment...
  33. T

    How many harlequin rasboras, if any?

    I have a 20 gallon live planted aquarium with a Betta and 6 Albino Cory cats. I had about 8 neons but I think the water ph, hardness and alkalinity might have been too much, it was a pH of 8.3 with a very hard rating and a high alkalinity rating(if there are numbers for that too my test strips...
  34. L

    Help stocking first aquarium

    Hi all, I’m new to the hobby and have been doing a lot a of research. I have just set up my new aquarium and am currently running the first cycle. My question is with regards to what fish I can keep. I have 230l tank (picture attached). I am getting overwhelmed by the different types of fish...
  35. Tttay89

    PH and driftwood

    Evening! Complete newby here. Joined a forum because of the false advice I keep getting given by aquarium shops (After failing my first tank from being told I can put a load of fish in a new tank after a few days). I'm now running a fully cycled 120litre stocked tank with no issues after a lot...
  36. T

    Shrimp hiding all of the time

    Hi, so I had a new aquarium around a month ago and had a couple of amano shrimp in there. The shrimp, along with all of the other fish were really happy and doing great. However i haven't seen my shrimp in around a week now so I looked for them and got a torch and looked under some drift wood...
  37. S

    Ehiem Classic 250

    I have a 58 a litre tank and currently have a Fluval u2 but am upgrading to a ehiem classic 250 as the water quality was poor and had caused illness I am just wondering will the flow be to strong and if so is there a way I can limit it?
  38. T

    Cleaning problem with water quantity

    Hello, I am reasonably new to the hobby and have a reasonably small around 30-40 litre tank and have a Syphon tube for cleaning gravel however, I get half way through cleaning and the water gets really low in the tankand I have to fill another bucket of water, dechlorinate, put it back in and...
  39. iambrett

    Stocking Ideas?!

    Oh Hello there, First of all, hello! I am a new member for the forum :) I am looking for help with stocking ideas for a new tank (which i'll get to in a sec) I currently have 3 basic tanks in use. tank 1, 100L with 6 cherry shrimp, 3 Amano Shrimp & one Danio who has no eyes (bully victim in...
  40. J

    Are my Molly fish pregnant?

    Hello everyone, Firstly I apologise for any mistakes I make whilst posting to this forum as this is my first ever post. I am wondering if anyone could help me by informing me if the any of the two mollies of which i have included pictures are pregnant. I am also new to breeding and therefore...