
February FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now! Fish of the Month
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  1. P

    Thoughts on an Aquarium for my university final year design project

    Hi I'm at Huddersfield Uni studying Product Design and for my final project I am researching into tropical aquariums. I have had experience with a variety of small, tropical fish but wanted the thoughts of you lovely folk to help identify the niggly things you find difficult or frustrating about...
  2. V

    What type of algae is this??

    Hi everyone!! New to this site and aquariums! I've had my freshwater tropical community tank up and running for about 2-3 months now and I've had one reoccurring problem. This black algae keeps coming up and I have no idea how to get rid of it?? Any suggestions would be helpful! Thanks in...
  3. M

    Is My 46G Tank Over Stocked Or Can I Add More?

    I currently have the following in a bow front 46G tank that was already cycled: 7 balloon mollies 1 platy 4 mollies 8 tetra glofish 2 dwarf gouramis Both pet stores told me we could add up to 35 fish around the size we have, but upon reading some of the forums I've become skeptical of...
  4. S

    Hi! New And Excited To Learn!

    Hi Everyone! My name is Victoria and I live in New Zealand.   I've recently purchased my first tank (70 Litre) and am so eager to learn and be able to keep beautiful fish! I'm very friendly and will happily take on any advice offered to me so please don't be afraid to say hi!    
  5. FroFro

    Got Some Driftwood!

    I got back home an hour ago with some driftwood sold to me by the store directly from the tank. It's mopani. A medium piece that won't take up too much space. I did notice one thing however when I took it home and took it from the bag, it seems to have some very small white spots in the crevices...
  6. FroFro

    Best Driftwood For My Tank?

    What is the best driftwood choice for my tank? None of my fish other than a small pleco can benefit from it, but I read its good for the overall health of the tank. What is the easiest kind of wood to cure/boil/soak of tannins before putting it into the water? I work nearly full time so a wood...
  7. M

    New 75Gal Tank

    Good afternoon All,    My name is Sam and I'm from New Jersey, USA. I have recently purchased a 75 gallon freshwater aquarium and I am looking on input on my ideas for stocking it. I grew up helping my parents care for numerous different freshwater tanks as a kid and now I am planning on...
  8. FroFro

    Mailing Tropical Freshwater Fish? Help!

    Hello! I'm looking to mail a few fish from Ohio (moderate climate) to Arizona. I've already looked up guides for packaging freshwater fish and the materials/boxes needed. I already plan to pay for overnight shipping and I know not to feel my fish for at least 24 hours prior to the day of...
  9. B

    What's Wrong With My Neon Tetra?

    I'm not exactly sure what is wrong with him but he seems bloated possibly. 
  10. Flinkbag

    Is It Supposed To Be Like This?

    Hello all!   So I bought a heater today to help nurse a sick Betta to health, and the heater I bought is a Marina Submersible heater, 25w. I noticed at the store that all of those heaters seemed to have some type of padding in the bottom where the actual heating area is. Im guessing its for...
  11. A

    Advice On A 54L Tank

    Hi,   I'm new to aquariums and keeping fish and was wondering what tropical fish I can get for a 54L tank? I want about 6 or even more, and it'd be nice if they were quite hardy and pretty.   Also, can I use aquarium sand instead of gravel or is that bad for some fish? Cleaning won't be a...
  12. R

    Free Tropical Fish & Tank 4' X 18" 12" - Swindon Sn4

    Tropical Fish & 4’ Tank FREE to Good Home ·       One mature male angel fish - black with orange markings ·       Four tetras (possibly black widow, silver with black markings) ·       Two bristlenose catfish half-grown ·       Two adult brownish corydoras with orange fins ·       Three...
  13. J

    Larger Fish For Community Tank

    hey all, i am in the middle of slowly stocking my 3ft 190L(50 gallon i think?) i plan on having: 8-10 black neons 8-10 cardinals 8-10 glowlight tetras 5 sterbai corys 5 panda corys im looking for a larger feature fish or pair of fish that will not harm any of the other inhabitants. i like...
  14. Cameronb_01

    Coralline Algae

    Hi Guys,   I have drained my tank completely in preparation for converting it from Tropical to marine. However the whole thing is covered in rock hard coralline algae. It is 450L so a vinegar bath is not really an option and razer blades aren't helping at all. What should I do? Please help me...
  15. Cameronb_01

    Ph Controllers

    Hi Guys,   I have been keeping tropical fish now for three years and I have  always wanted to keep discus fish. However they require quite low Ph and for years I have been told by the people in my LFS that the only way to do this is by using a barrel to collect rainwater or by putting a large...
  16. S

    What Fish Can I Add

    I am currently setting up a 190l tank, fully equipped with filter and heater. I already have some fish from an old tank i plan on moving over (6neon Tetras, 2male platties, 2bristle nosed catfish, a zebra loach and a ruby shark) all of these fish have lived together fine, except for bickering...
  17. W

    Ick Guard Making My Fish Sick?

    About 4 days ago I noticed the dreaded "white spots" were on a couple cherry barbs in my tank. I initially added about a tablespoon of aquarium salt to my tank (36 gallons) and turned up my heater to 82 degrees as a quick fix too try to get rid of the ich, But the next day those barbs gained a...
  18. I

    New Addition Suggestions?

    Hello, I had a quick question about adding new fish to my tank. I have a 55gal and wanted to add 2-4 new fish to my tank. I currently have dension barbs, angelfish, neon tetras, boeseman rainbowfish, and a pleco. They all love each other. But I went on vacation recently and some of my fish died...
  19. S

    New Tropical Tank

    Hey! I"m new to the site here. My husband and I are wanting to start our own tropical freshwater tank. We've both had fish tanks for most of our lives, but we want to kick it up from basic Meijer and Walmart fish to the more colorful tropical fish. Any advice or tips on some good fish (trying to...
  20. C

    One Cloudy Eye And White Growth On The Body

    Here are pictures: He's also lost colour, any idea what this could be? In the past he had growths near his mouth but I think they were harmless as they went away on their own.
  21. thrujenseyes

    A Heartfelt Thank You To Everyone Here And Some Pics Of The Babies&#33

    I would like to thank all the awesome members that have helped me get back into the hobby that I so loved years ago.   I was able to cycle my little tank (fishless) in 18 days and it looks amazing.   It's now home to 5 adorable little endler guppies that are so insanely active and colorful that...
  22. K

    Journal: Starting Small, And Somewhat Clueless

    So this is my first time trying out a freshwater tank on my own. My dad had one when I was younger but I have not had one of my own ever. I had to start small since it is in my apartment so I went with a 5 gallon (don't mock the decor, had to work with what we had ). I filled up my tank last...
  23. thrujenseyes

    My Anacharis Plants Are Dying

    Hello,   I'm still new here and unsure if I'm posting in the correct place... Sorry.   But my anacharis plants are getting "clear" losing color and some leaves are falling off.   I haven't yet started the cycling (fishless) yet as I'm waiting on my heater (should be here within a day or so). I...
  24. O

    Goldfish Sick (Began Around Mouth)

    Request Help Tank size: 40 gallons pH: Always a little low, from 6.8-7 ammonia:0 nitrite:0 nitrate:60 - Always this number or higher, I think it's just my tap water kH:40 (usually always, even with water changes) gH:120 (always too high...) tank temp:72~ Fish Symptoms (include full description...
  25. Cameronb_01

    Fish Breeding

    Hi, In my tank I have a range of fish, none of whom have previously bred, with the exception of lots of snails. However recently on the side of the tank lots of these things which I have attached a picture of which I think our eggs have popped up. Are they fish or snail eggs? IF so can you...
  26. Cameronb_01

    Denison Barb - Obese Or Pregnant

    I have in my Tropical Freshwater Tank at the moment amongst other fish a shoal of six Denison Barbs. One of them, however is bloated. It is the second attached picture, the first is a normal sized one and the third is the bloated one next to one of the normal ones. I have had very few casualties...
  27. C

    Ideal Setup For Ram Cichlids?

    I recently acquired a 90L tank from a friend (I think 24 gallons, approx? Sorry, I'm Australian so I'm not great at the conversions from metric). I had kept a pair of German Ram Cichlids in the past in my 200L community tank but it was a struggle looking after them in there because the water was...
  28. P

    Will My Golden Wonder Killi Eat My Pygmy Cory Catfish?

    just wondering if that's a concern cuz i have a pretty sizeable golden wonder killi in my 20 gallon and just got 3 pygmy cories but realized that if he wanted to (which he probably does) that my killi could devour him! i also have 2 blue rams would that be a problem? if so ill just put them in...
  29. P

    How Do I Know When It's Time For My Platy To Give Birth?

    just a couple questions about my pregnant platy, and again it's my first time with pregnant fish! i keep hearing the ways to tell like they'll be squared off like this kinda \__/ and they'll get the gravid spot but it's still not really easy for a first timer to identify those things, can anyone...
  30. Cameronb_01

    Fish Identification

    Hi, I have recently purchased this fish, as a shoal of six but I confess to having forgotten the name, does anyone know what fish it is? Picture posted below. Thanks alot Cameron
  31. Cameronb_01

    Siamese Fighting Fish On The Verge Of Death

    I have had a steady fish tank now for two months without any casualties, in my tank was a range of different Gouramis two couples so four to be exact, a Siamese fighting fish and some mollies. However on the introduction of one more couple of Gouramis one has died and my Siamese fighting fish...
  32. S

    Long-Term Swim Bladder Emergency

    Hi everyone,   I have a Silver Dollar that has appeared to have swim bladder disease for over 2 months now. For over a month it spent it's time constantly swimming upwards just to stay buoyant. I tried fasting, feeding shelled peas and also tried epsom salts to no avail. (I figured it must have...
  33. Cameronb_01

    Live Aquatics Plants Help

    Hi Guys, I have just begun landscaping my new Rio Juwel 400. So far I have put in one rock, a large piece of wood and four live plants. Everything was going fine, until, having cycled my tank I put in as a start two one month old baby Mollies. I feed them and everything but they are eating away...
  34. Cameronb_01

    Tropical Heater

    Hi, I have purchased the Rio Juwel 400 and it comes with a 300 watt heater. It is a 450L tank and despite the fact that the 300W heater it comes with it is advertised as being able to do: "UP TO 450L" I am conscious that that might be slightly exaggerated. Also looking around on the web it...
  35. Zikofski

    Zikofski's Ada 60H (45) Iwagumi Tank Journal

    this is my second tank and i decided to take a different approach to this tank, usually i go for a jungle style tank densely planted and lots of difference species but wit this tank i had been inspired by a load of videos and pictures online of the Japanese Iwagumi style tanks so if i wanted to...
  36. Cameronb_01

    Tropical Fish

    Hi Everyone, I have just purchased a 450 Litre tank and I was wondering if anyone could give me some suggestions as to what fish to get. I would like something very colourful, large and interesting and preferably reasonably easy to find. I have not yet decided whether it is going to be a...
  37. G

    Pregnant Guppy Died - Infectious?

    My poor pregnant guppy I had for 3 months, and she was pregnant for the third time when suddenly she started having this odd clear string coming from what I presumed was her birth canal. It had also yellow flecks in it so I looked online and couldn't find anything relevant - maybe the beginning...
  38. A

    Help All My Fish Except My Guppies Are Dying!

    Hello, I have a tropical fresh water 55 gallon tank and it has been running since the middle of August. I let it cycle for a week then added 3 Cory's, 2 farawella cats, and 2 ray loaches (I think that's what they are called but I'm not sure), and 2 turquoise gourami's. My tank was doing great...
  39. L

    Please Help ! Tank Stocking Ideas For Fluval Edge 46L

    I have recently invested in a fluval edge 46l tank. Right now it has 2 plants in but I will be adding more. While the tank was preparing to be stocked I was won spidering what I could put in it. I would love a small fish shoal with neon tetras in or maybe mountain cloud minnows but would also...
  40. H

    55G Aquarium Stocking

    Hi everyone,   I'm new to this forum and the hobby itself :fish1:. We recently got a 4ft 55g tank and am currently aquascaping it.    I did a run on an online stocking calculator to check the compatibility and stuff for the fish I wanted. The results are as below, My Tank: 48inch x 14.5inch x 18...