
  1. BettaBonzu

    What do you guys think could fit in this fishtank?

    Hey Guys, I have a fish tank that I have had for a while and I was wondering what tropical fish do you guys think could fit in here. (Refer to pic) I am pretty experienced in terms of fish, I have a huge tank with Goldfish in it and I love them all to much to get rid of them, so Im making do...
  2. ukdamon


    Hello and thanks for having me. I am new to the forum, but I've been keeping fish on and off for many years. I presently have a 60L Tropical Aquarium with community fish, some African Dwarf Frogs and some shrimp. I plan in the future to have a larger Discus aquarium.
  3. E

    54 litre/ 14 gal tank stocking.

    Hi guys. Im new to tropical keeping as ive always been temperate/ coldwater. I have aquired a 54 litre/ 14 gallon. The previous owner gave me six baby female guppies. I was just wondering if it is okay to put anything else in with them?. My partner suggested a Male Betta just to add a bit of...
  4. K

    Sexing my pea puffer

    Hi, I am new to pea puffers and am having trouble sexing my puffer. From what I’ve heard females tend to have less spots but this one seems to have a rounder belly. Could someone please help sexing it? Attached is links to images and to the folder they’re in in my drive...
  5. V

    Angelfish red line on fin and white patch on top fin

    Hello, I am new to this forum. I don't know if I'm posting in the right place but I am worrying about our Angelfish. Basically we have a family tank. It was set up a few weeks ago and we were given 2 angel fish from a friend that looked happy and healthy. We have checked the water quality...
  6. C

    Tiger Barbs

    I have 30+ gallon tank with some Tiger Barbs. I was curious about the egg laying process. Could somebody specify what steps I should take to successfully breed them? I've been told that changing temperature is a common method but I am ultimately just curious.
  7. C

    Tank lid: What do you use?

    If they're not the standard cover/condensation lid, what do you use? I would like images then I can get some ideas. Thanks in advance
  8. G

    Fish eggs?

    I’ve had a tank for 2 months and just noticed these at the back of the tank, are they fish eggs? Thanks
  9. J

    Shy Red Shoulder Severums

    HI, I have two young Red shoulder severums in my tank around 1-1.5 inches. They are in a 4 ft tank with some smaller south american tetras and are very shy. Why is this? They come out to feed and then go and hide again? I want them to be right as they will be having some geophagus tank mates...
  10. M

    Views on using a sump system for tropical

    In addition to my tropical tank I have a 400l marine tank which obviously filters through a sump which also houses a heater, UV lamp and a protein skimmer. (I know I won’t need the skimmer) I’m looking at upgrading my tropical to an 8ft 1000l one. I really like the sump system on the marine as...
  11. V

    My Zebra Danio has a chunk missing? scab?

    Hi. I straight away i want to say I am not great with all the measurements like pH and all. but.. Few weeks age my danio was hiding away and rocking side to side. Then, it suddenly starred swimming around with other fish and swimming around alot. However his colour went pale. The moment he got...
  12. mark150389

    Tropical needed!

    Hi all, As a keen follower/poster of road cycling forums I know how annoying it is for people to repost repetitive questions.. for that I am eternally sorry! I've just bought a 240l fish tank and I have no idea what to do with it! My girlfriend has kept tropical fish for 4-5 yrs in a small...
  13. MyFishKaren

    Angel Fish Sudden Death

    Hello! My fish Gill recently passed a couple days ago unexpectedly - and I don't know why. The day before his passing I had a water testing due to an unrelated issue and all my parameters were in perfect condition. My water is also at 75 degrees temperature in Fahrenheit. At the time I had...
  14. G

    Struggling to get tank right

    I am new to the forum and not sure if I'm in the right department. Even though this is not my first tank I often still feel like a beginner b/c I'm always learning something new. Specs: 55 G, started up Dec. 2017 5 fish: 1 neon dwarf gourami, 1 emerald cory, 1 zebra danio, 2 platies Temp: 76...
  15. S

    Guppy missing an eye?

    Hi, I was watching my fish swim around for a few minutes then noticed my lyretail guppy was missing an eye. When I got him he had both and I don't know what happened. He seems fine, there's no blood or any signs of fighting. Is something wrong with him or will he be okay?? I have a 3.5 gallon...
  16. O

    Looking to keep an all female Betta tank. What do I need to know/be aware of?

    I've been looking to set up an all female Betta tank. It is a 40G that is ready for the fish. I've read up on the basics of keeping such a housing, but what are your tips for keeping an all-female tank?
  17. E

    Need Help Identifying Fish

    Hello to Everyone - I just got back into keeping a freshwater aquarium. I wanted my boys to see some of the fish that were living in a small pond on the property that we just moved to. I identified the mosquito fish without issue but there are another type that look like some kind of cichlid...
  18. TheCoolWolf

    Should I add small fish?

    I am planning on having Glowlight tetras, Harlequins, Cherry barbs and Black neons in my established 75G aquarium. Should I relocate some of my other fish that are already in there? Stocking list: 2" Pearl danios (x10) 3" Beardless barbs (x3) 4" Hard-lipped barbs (x4) 4" Bala shark (x1) 2"...
  19. D

    Stocking a 35 litre (8 gallon) Biorb Tube tank

    Hi guys, Completely new to the hobby so please forgive me for my naivety. Bought a Biorb Tube 35 litre over the weekend. Having read the reviews I can see they aren't the best tank but wanted to start small. I've set up the tank, added a heater and now letting it cycle. With regard to...
  20. P

    New Guppies

    Hi! So I am very new to fish and on saturday I purchased 3 male guppies from the pet store. Two of my guppies seem to be doing okay but all three are staying mostly at the top or surface. It has only been a few days so their water peramiters have not settled yet but tomorrow I am going to add...
  21. S

    What Aquarium should I get? :)

    Hi - I'm an intermediate fish keeper who's looking for a new aquarium for my kitchen. I really like the look of the Biorb Life 30 litre tank. However, I've heard mixed reviews for Biorb all together. Would any of you have any suggestions for a modern looking 30-40 litre tank that is...
  22. J

    Help with mollies please

    HELP!!PLEASE! Hi guys , I'm new to having an aquarium . I have 4 peacock mollies and 1 of them seems to be loosing life. Sitting at the bottom of the tank and sometimes facing virtually up . The others seem to be fine. Could it be white spot ? What should I do Water got tested and seemed to...
  23. L

    Glowlight neon tetra - swimming jerky & lump on stomach

    Hi, my glowlight Tetra was lurking around at the bottom of the tank hiding, shaking a bit but seemed like it was just eating food off the bottom of the tank. A while later it was doing the same thing so I thought it can't be still eating, it was almost like it was vibrating/jerking (with its...
  24. K

    Lampeye fish 15 litre?

    Hi, I turned my 15 litre into a shrimp tank and while I was at a private aquatic store I saw beautiful lampeyes. I spoke to the lady at the store saying how I'm gutted I can't have fish as much as I love shrimp. She suggested I could house 3 max 4 lampeyes in my tank as long as I stayed on...
  25. K

    Fluval opinions

    hi, It's me again hope you aren't sick of me!! I really want a 60 litre tank to get some little shoals in. I wanted a rectangular one but me and my mam have butted heads as she says it'll take up a lot of room. She loves the thought of fishies but we have limited room. I then stumbled upon...
  26. K

    Queries on stocking 60l tank

    Hi guys, Still waiting on my 15 litre cycling for my Betta but I'm tempting to buy another tank! With all your advice I'm looking at 60litres but my question is: How many fish/shoals could I stock in a tropical 60 litres? And How many fish/shoals could I stock in a cold water 60...
  27. K

    HELP! :( 15 litre biorb - I know, bad decision.

    Hi, In advance I am really sorry if this has been asked before etc but I am absolutely gutted!! Bought the biorb was so excited to get a cold water arrangement of minnows, shrimp, snails etc... Turns out I can only have 4 minnows and no shrimp because of the way the biorb is set out... My...
  28. tgwthf

    stocking my 55 gallon freshwater aquarium, thoughts?

    Hello everyone! I'm nowhere near close to setting up the tank, stand is still being built and needs to be cleaned out of all the sand and stuff, but i'm in the process of trying to find some fish i can put in there, will be keeping it around the 24C temperature mark. so far i'm thinking of...
  29. Tanya farrell

    Please help me with my mollie

    I think my mollie might have white spots can someone clarify it for me please ? If so can I treat her with the treatment whiles she is pregnant? Is she has it does the other fish and well I have to do the tank ? Thank you
  30. C

    Found my guppy nose up in plant and a funny colour help!

    Hey! So I got this guppy for my brother about 3 months ago now and I just found him nose up in a plant dead very sad brother, I got him with 1 other guppy who is fine but when I got him he was acting strange straight away, when I got him he was black then he turned white and this carried on I...
  31. tgwthf

    marine filter to tropical?

    Hello!, i'm new to the whole fish thin and recently was purchased a large 250L Aquarium ((was second hand)) that had everything with it, however, it was used as a marine tank and it has a large Aqua One Aquis 1200 external canister filter with it with all the media in there already but i was...
  32. Tanya farrell

    Can someone help please

    I have a 160l tank for tropical , I have taken a test could someone just clarify that the test is ok , thank you
  33. A

    Help Identify this bug in my tank

    My tropical tank was setup about 2 months ago. Nothing has been added in last 4 weeks. It is planted tank with 3 cherry shrimps and some babies (YAY!!). 3 bumble bee snails. 4 endlers and 2 mollies. Today spotted this white insect. What is it? is it dangerous to my tank family?
  34. alvintayyw

    First time planted tank

    Don't know if it is too crowded.. Any suggestion / improvements?
  35. C

    Check my fish shopping list?

    Hello! I've recently started sorting out the tank I've had since childhood (The scrub mistakes I've made over the last ten years...). So far I have replaced the rubbish internal filter with an eheim ecco pro 130, replaced the substrate and decorated it with some Java ferns, Java moss, Hair...
  36. X

    Pea Puffer Community Help

    Hello all (first post!!!), I am about to pick up a 60 gallon tank and am trying to plan out my community. I know I want freshwater tropical fish. I am not completely new to the hobby but it's been awhile and I have never had a large variety of fish. I had a 150 gallon Oscar tank with one Tiger...
  37. R

    White Grub look alike in Tropical fish tank

    Hello, I'm pretty new to owning a tropical fish tank, ive always had cold water fish, I bought a pre-used fish tank with all the items and fish, the fish that came with it are: 2 albino catfish, 2 snails, 3 clown loaches, 2 plecos, 4 gouramis, 1 zebra catfish and 5 head and taillight tetra, its...
  38. V

    Fish sitting at the bottom of my tank

    My fish are all hanging around the bottom of the tank, I just used API algaefix for the first time the yesterday and I noticed that all my fish are very flaccid. So I checked the PH for the first time and it read 9.0+. I quickly did a 50% water change and they acted a lot better. Now today I've...
  39. S

    Help curing tank of whitespot?

    So i suspect my tank has whitespot and i need to begin treatment to get it under control, just looking for a bit of help or advise! Got a african dwarf frog, plec, bamboo shrimp and a bengal loach in there as well im a little concerned about adding treatment to the tank with also. The tank uses...
  40. Fish-mates

    What is on my dwarf gourami's side?

    Can anyone help my fish please? I thought the gourami had damaged it's side crashing into a branch in the tank. As the side wasn't healing and looked white in the damaged area I moved the gourami to a QT and started treating with Melafix. What's weird is the white is not cotton like but looks...